A new way?

Often, in a community like this, in a nation like this, one finds themselves presented with an ever more polarizing question: “Republican or Democrat?”

Often, in a community like this, in a nation like this, one finds themselves presented with an ever more polarizing question:

“Republican or Democrat?”

While we may trend toward one party or the other, based on our wealth, our age and other factors, one can find a general discontent with both big parties today. Both have passed laws in the past slowly taking away freedoms after 9/11 and both take large amounts of lobbyist money. Sure, many of us slightly prefer one party to the other, but in the end, are either of them radically better than the other?

It is because of this, when asked “the Republican or the Democratic party?” I proudly respond “Modern Whig Party.” A small party for sure, but one that has new and balanced ideas and not just more platitudes-based screaming.

Andrew A. Martyanov
