Add SARC to priorities

A suggestion to property owners, the ultimate taxpayers: Prioritize.

A suggestion to property owners, the ultimate taxpayers: Prioritize.

Have you ever thought how many community services require your tax dollars? We know of schools, fire and libraries, but do you know you own and operate a recreational center? Yes, it’s called the Sequim Aquatic Recreation Center. I understand the name doesn’t impart instant awareness but it’s a junior taxing district much like the library. Both serve the community.

While SARC hasn’t asked for a bond or levy for 13 years, it has kept your kids off the street, taught them how to swim and allowed them to physically test themselves in a controlled, clean facility for those years. Not to forget the older set; SARC, although its name doesn’t refer to the whole community, does enlist and instruct hundreds of those of older age every week in maintaining healthy lifestyles.

Unlike most social services, SARC has charged a minimal user fee to extend your past bond and levy contributions.

All this to say, come this next ballot on bonds and levies, please don’t forget one of your most financially competent community services; save a dollar or two for your 25-year-old recreation center’s forthcoming (within two years) levy action.

Prioritize your current and future tax dollars.

Jan Richardson
