Letter: Another vote for Yacklin

I am writing this letter because I want citizens to know that the Clallam County Auditor’s race is also an important race and we need to make sure we get someone in there that will bring a fresh perspective to how the office is run.

Another vote for Yacklin

I am writing this letter because I want citizens to know that the Clallam County Auditor’s race is also an important race and we need to make sure we get someone in there that will bring a fresh perspective to how the office is run.

I think that person is Kim Yacklin. Our current auditor’s office has not made good decisions on behalf of the citizens: closing down our Sequim licensing office in short notice and now she is being sued in federal court – how much more in taxpayer dollars will be used for that?

We have all paid for Mark Nichol’s million-dollar-plus settlement for age discrimination, we’ve paid for DCD director’s investigation of misconduct and now this.

Now Auditor Patty Rosand wants her current elections supervisor to take over her office — someone who has been under the current auditor and “shadowing” her for a year. Well, isn’t that nice. Didn’t the Human Resources director have to take a partial layoff and shadow the Human Resources director on his own time for a year? What is going on at this county? How can you shadow the auditor “on the job” and this not be considered mixing campaigning with their work? For an auditor, this seems absolutely wrong.

Please, let’s get some new blood in these offices. People who will be professional, make good decisions. I’ve heard Kim Yacklin speak and she is extremely knowledgeable, has great ideas and is very assertive and professional.

Vote Kim Yacklin.

Conni Underwood Katke
