Letters to the editor — May 1, 2019

Enjoy ‘First Date’

On stage at Olympic Theatre Arts is a musical that premiered in Seattle seven years ago, played on Broadway, went around the world and now has come “home” to showcase talent, hilarity and for many of us flashbacks of our own blind dating histories.

The cast stars are Emma Jane Garcia as Casey and Austin Krieg as Aaron, but each of the other roles are performed admirably, with perfect timing, wit and humor that blend into the story vignettes of past dates and relationships that haunt these two lonely people looking so desperately for love and acceptance.

The director, Christy Holy, deserves applause for creative collaboration in bringing actors, musicians and crew together for a memorable (as in standing ovation) live theater experience.

George Will


Do your duty, bag the poop

When people were first getting into the practice of bagging their dog’s feces decades ago, they were diligent in completing the task by properly placing it in a trash can. However, doing only 50 percent of that job has become the norm.

This morning at various locations along the Towne Road river dike we counted three bags of doggie-doo left in plain sight with no dog or owner in sight. We walked the entire length of the trail and encountered two dog walkers.

On the way back, there were no dog walkers, but now there were five bags of dog poop left along the trail.

Over time, pet owners have either 1) gotten conveniently forgetful, or 2) become delusional and think a poop fairy will pick up the bagged poop left along the trail.

Please get a grip. There is no poop fairy. If it’s your lousy memory, don’t leave the bagged poop for later — carry it until you find a trash can.

Dana Gregory

Port Angeles

Not conspiracy but ‘confused collusion’?

The Mueller report — nearly two years in the making and supported by a reported 2,800 subpoenas, 500 search warrants and as many witnesses — “did not establish that the Trump campaign conspired with the Russian government,” thereby evoking the weeping and wailing heard from the left.

Since there was no conspiracy — a crime defined as “impairing, obstructing or defeating the lawful function of any department of government” — certain Democrats, undeterred in their quest to overturn the 2016 election, have seized on a new word, collusion, which is not a crime. In fact, per constitutional law professor Michael Ghehardt, “It’s not a technical word. It’s actually used, in part, to almost confuse people.”

Looks like it’s working because the easily confused Rep. Jerry Nadler now insists that “there was in plain sight open collusion with the Russians” and the similarly confused House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff has spotted “ample evidence of collusion in plain sight.”

Joining the “collusion confused” are presidential wannabes Eric Swalwell, Beto O’Rourke and Elizabeth Warren, nearly three quarters of the Black Congressional Caucus, Maxine (Impeach 45) Watters and Rashida Tlaib, and, of course, the voices of MSNBC, CNN, CBS, as well as the editorial staffs of most newspapers.

Are these truly rational people? That they would attempt to impeach Trump for a non-crime? What are they afraid of?

Why not just wait for the next election and let the voters decide?

Unless the voters are what they are afraid of …

Dick Pilling

Port Angeles