Chapman to chair county commission

Republican to take lead in last year of term

Republican Mike Chapman will oversee the Clallam County Board of Commissioners in 2008.

Every year the three commissioners choose a representative to lead their discussions and act as a figurehead for the commission as a whole. Democrats Mike Doherty, of Port Angeles, and Steve Tharinger, of Dungeness, appointed Chapman to the position during their Jan. 8 meeting.

Chapman steps into the position again after both Doherty and Tharinger sat in the center seat in recent years. The three county leaders have passed the chair position among themselves for years.

Tharinger begins his third term this year while Chapman’s second term will end Dec. 31. He has indicated interest in a third run. Doherty’s term will end in 2010.

In addition to electing Chapman to lead the board, the three commissioners also assigned themselves duties, committees and county personnel to attend or oversee.

Chapman represents the county’s District 2, or Port Angeles and the central county. In 2008, Chapman continues his law enforcement and criminal justice presence on the commission by oversee- ing much of the court system’s and Sheriff’s department’s personnel and subcommittees. He also will delve into economic development and regional transportation planning and coordination.

Tharinger represents the county’s District 1, or Sequim and the eastern County. Tharinger plans to work with the planning and land-use department heads while continuing his commitment to natural resource preservation and behavioral health issues and their associated boards and committees.

Doherty continues to represent the east end’s District 3 through 2008 with emphasis on criminal justice and many other regional operations dedicated to seniors, clean air and resource conservation. Doherty also acts as a liason between west-end tribes and communities and the county government.

For more information on each of the commissioners, both personal and professional, visit their Web sites, which are linked to under departments and commissioners.