Learn about cougars in ‘Light of the Moon’ series

The Dungeness River Audubon Center has brought back the “Learn by the Light of the Moon” speaker series with a new line-up.

The series provides opportunity for the community to hear from local naturalists and scientists who are “working to better understand the world around us,” organizers say.

The next series meeting is 7 p.m. Tuesday, July 16, at the Dungeness River Audubon Center’s outdoor amphitheater in Railroad Bridge Park, 2151 W. Hendrickson Road.

Dr. Mark Elbroch, director and lead scientist with Panthera’s Puma Program, offers a visual and anecdotal presentation on the Olympic Peninsula’s largest carnivore, the cougar. Appropriate for all ages, his presentation explains how cougars hunt, which prey they prefer, how often they feed, and how cougar hunting behaviors fit into larger ecosystems.

For questions call the center at 360-681-4076 or email at RiverCenter@olympus.net.