Veterans Corner: Service clubs invite your participation

Our retirees need us to assist them as they face physical and mental challenges. Most service clubs took a break over the summer. September is the start of a new “year” for them. Contact them and find out how you can help.

The Marine Corps League would like to remind everyone that all veterans with an honorable discharge, regardless of branch of service, are entitled to a military funeral with full honors.

The process begins with the funeral director who passes on the information to the Clallam County Veterans association. The process is quite simple and ends with a wonderful tribute to your deceased loved one. Please consider asking for this honor when you talk to the funeral director.

DAR group offers invite

Michael Trebert Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution would like to invite all women older than 18 to join them for the first meeting of the 2015-­2016 year.

Please arrive at 10 a.m. for the 10:30 a.m. meeting Wednesday, Sept. 16, at the Veterans Center, 216 S. Francis St. in Port Angeles.

Don Perry will present a program on the historical underground of Port Angeles. If you have questions, contact Joyce at

Wounder Warrior outing a success

The Wounded Warrior Transitional Battalion fishing outing was a great success. Fifteen attended the four-day event sponsored by 7 Cedars Casino, BPOE Elks #353, the Coast Guard Base Neah Bay, the Makah Tribe and the Seiku Lions Club. Everyone caught fish! On the way home they had burgers at Fat Smitty’s.

The next outing is scheduled for Sept. 11-13 in Port Angeles. If you would like to help or contribute money to cover costs, contact Jerry Rettela at

This outing gives these folks a chance to get outdoors and have fun. Many thanks to Jerry for all the work he does to make this happen, even making sure they catch fish!

Sure shots

The American Legion Turkey Shoot winners were David Jilen, Albert Moot and Carl Bradshaw.

The shoot was sponsored by Walmart, Black Bear Diner, Swain’s General Store, The Oak Table, the Mariner Cafe and IHOP Restaurant. Many thanks to the local organizations that are supporting activities for veterans and their families.

The American Legion Service Officer can be reached at 360-­775­-1477 if you need help with VA claims.

Staying busy

The local service organizations have had a busy summer! I have participated in The Home Depot Veteran Appreciation Day, the Voices For Veterans booth at the Clallam County Fair, with the DAR at the Air Affaire, the American Legion baseball team, meetings with the American Legion and the Military Officers Association.

There is a lot of great work being done by all the service organizations that belong to the Clallam County Veterans Association:

The Marine Corps League renders honors at veterans’ funerals.

Many organizations participate in the last Friday of the month Bell Ringing Ceremony at Veterans Park in Port Angeles.

The Legion Riders stand flag lines, including at the rededication of the Sequim Veterans Park.

Please consider getting involved and helping your fellow service members and their families. We all had a bond with the men and women we served with ­and we still do. Our active duty troops and their families need us to speak for them to Congress ­ they are busy fighting.

Our retirees need us to assist them as they face physical and mental challenges. Most service clubs took a break over the summer. September is the start of a new “year” for them.

Contact them and find out how you can help.


Contributors: DAR, Joyce Stroeher,; American Legion and MOAA, Lorri Gilchrist,; Marine Corps League, Sid Gerling,; Korean War Veterans, Jerry Rettela,; Fleet Reserve Association, Marty Arnold,