Community scoreboard — Oct. 10, 2018


The Cedars at Dungeness

• CADWGA, Monthly Medal, Oct. 2

First division — 1. Marine Hirschfeld, 69; 2. Jane Peoples, 71; 3. Linda Hash, 76

Second division — 1. Barb Burrows, 74; 2. Lori Oakes, 76; 3. (tie) Lisa Ballantyne and Linda Beatty, 78

KPs: Burrows, Rohani Higgins, Witta Priester

Putts: Peoples 29, Burrows 34

Chip-in: Priester

Birdies: Marlene Erickson 2, Burrows, Higgins, Oakes, Peoples, Priester, Wanda Synnestvedt.

• Men’s Club, 7 Cedars Cup, Oct. 3

First flight — Gross: 1. Robert Mares, 73. Net: 1. John Nally, 67; 2. (tie) Mark Hash and John Raske, 68; 4. Richard Clendening, 68

Second flight — Gross: 1. Verl Nelson, 78. Net: 1. Larry Batson, 64; 2. (tie) Brian ANderson, Karl Brehm and Warren Cortez, 68

Third flight — Gross: 1. Ken Beard, 87. Net: 1. Herman Sakimoto, 69; 2. Bill Riley, 70; 3. Ray Ballantyne, 71

Fourth flight — Gross: 1. Stephen Falcone, 88. Net: 1. Wayne Pinger, 68; 2. Kip McKeever, 69; 3. Joe Tomita, 70

Fifth flight — Gross: 1. Morris Fosse, 93. Net: 1. Dick McCammon, 66; 2. Bill Rucker, 70; 3. Dwain Sparrowk, 71

KPs: Anderson, Batson, Pinger, Ron Grant, Wally Jenkins.

Sunland Golf & Country Club

• 2018 SWGA Super Senior Championship

Gross champion: Judy Flanders, 175 (84-91)

Net champion: Nadia Saulsbury, 124 (62-62)

First flight — Gross: 1. Cheryl Coulter, 185; 2. Cynthia Edel 191. Net: 1. Janet Real, 138; 2. (tie) Susan Elvert and Geri O’Claray, 146

Second flight — Gross: 1. Kathleen DeJong, 191; 2. Jan Prout, 204. Net: 1 Marsha Carr, 125; 2. Pennie Dickin, 141

• 2018 Men’s Club Super Senior Championship

Gross champion: Mary Meythaler, 154 (78-76)

Net champion: Jerry Ahern, 136 (69-67)

First flight — Gross: 1. John Sims, 158; 2. Bill Dickin, 166. Net: 1. Dan O’Claray, 137; 2. Ray DeJong, 138

Second flight — Gross: 1. Steve Worden, 179; 2. (tie) Dave Anderson and Brian Bailey, 180. Net: 1. Frank Herodes, 140; 2. Jerry King, 143

Third flight — Gross: 1. Wes Stoecker, 188; 2. Gene Mattson, 193. Net/: 1. John Palmeri, 138; 2. (tie) R. Aldrich, D. Claussen and W. Nordyke, 146