Monthly employment report shows modest job growth in June

Washington state’s economy gained an estimated 2,500 jobs (seasonally adjusted) in June. Job growth was concentrated in information, manufacturing and construction sectors.

The preliminary seasonally adjusted monthly unemployment rate in June remained constant at 3.9 percent.

“Labor market conditions remain strong for now, but hiring is showing signs of slowing,” said Paul Jurek, state economist with the Employment Security Department.

“Efforts underway to curb high inflation — such as raising interest rates — will likely continue to dampen job growth and hiring as the year progresses.”

Clallam County’s unemployment for June 2022 was 5.4 percent, tied for 14th-highest among Washington state’s 39 counties.

In May, the preliminary seasonally adjusted monthly unemployment rate dropped slightly to 3.9 percent.

The Employment Security Department paid unemployment insurance benefits to 36,427 people in June, a decrease of 1,708 over the previous month. Decreases in paid claims within the construction, manufacturing and agriculture sectors contributed to the overall decrease in paid claims over the month.

The national unemployment remained constant in June at the preliminary rate of 3.6 percent. For comparison, the national unemployment rate (revised) for June 2021 was 5.9 percent.

Labor supply increases slowly

The state’s labor force in June was 4,039,600 – an increase of 3,600 people from the previous month. Labor force is defined as the total number of people, both employed and unemployed, over the age of 16. From June 2021 to June 2022, the state’s labor force increased by 133,500.

From May to June, the number of people who were unemployed statewide decreased from 158,600 to 156,000.

Private sector employment increased by 3,700 jobs while government employment decreased by 1,200 jobs in June.

Washington state gained an estimated 175,400 jobs from June 2021 to June 2022, not seasonally adjusted. Private sector employment rose by 6.2 percent, up an estimated 173,600 jobs, while public sector employment rose by 0.3 percent, up an estimated 1,800 jobs.