OMC’s Beeman earns Gonzaga graduate degree

Sequim Gazette staff

Bobby Beeman, a six-year employee with Olympic Medical Center, recently earned her graduate degree in Communication and Leadership Studies from Gonzaga University.


Beeman’s capstone thesis, required for graduation from the program, applied “agenda-setting theory” to a study of the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil disaster and the 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill. She investigated the methods used by newspapers covering the two disasters, and how the coverage potentially influenced public perception of the events.


“It is a laudable accomplishment to earn a graduate degree while working full time. Bobby is a highly valued employee who is recognized for her personal initiative,” said Rhonda Curry, assistant administrator of strategic development.


Beeman, who has worked in the Strategic Development department since January 2005, recently was given a new title: communication and health promotions coordinator. She co-chairs Olympic Medical’s wellness committee, and will be actively involved in developing wellness activities among Olympic Medical employees and in the community.


Beeman graduated from Port Angeles High School in 1996, Peninsula College in 1998 and received a bachelor’s degree in journalism from Western Washington University in 2000.