It’s jobs, stupid

And I quote, Feb. 5, Page 5: “Ten acres of a proposed 127-acre single family housing project (read slum) could go to the Sequim School District …” Now you see the need for the $15 million city hall/jail! Front page, School eyes $154 million bond vote.

And I quote, Feb. 5, Page 5: “Ten acres of a proposed 127-acre single family housing project (read slum) could go to the Sequim School District …” Now you see the need for the $15 million city hall/jail! Front page, School eyes $154 million bond vote. Property owners just got stuck with a $23 million last year?

A school board member mentioned “live births” as a possible reason for the $154 million bond. If that were the only criterion for a school bond, there would never be a need. About 52 percent of the school district is over the breeding age and 25 percent are under that age; and with approximately 90 storefronts in Sequim and many more on the peninsula standing empty … doesn’t promote breeding that can financially sustain itself.

The Olympic Peninsula is fast becoming the Australia of the 1800s, a dumping grounds. Olympia, Seattle and other socially refined cities in their efforts to control their Title 8’s should do so in their own bailiwicks … not exporting them!

This may offend, but needs to be articulated; if you can’t afford a child, don’t have two or more transgressions.

A rant means nothing without a suggestion of a possible remedy; that solution, a four-letter word “work,” also known as jobs. The elected officials of both county and cities had better get off their collective asses and promote jobs before starting any new grandiose projects on a pauper’s income.

Without new capital being brought into the system, the peninsula will become a Third World pit!

Jan Richardson
