Letter: Think Positive

The local population, especially in Sequim, is intelligent, well-educated, mostly financially comfortable and old enough to appreciate the prosperity that used to be.

Think Positive!

The local population, especially in Sequim, is intelligent, well-educated, mostly financially comfortable and old enough to appreciate the prosperity that used to be.

There may be differences of opinions about pot, gays, same-sex marriages, the quality of education, unionism, maybe even about the directions being taken both by state and federal governments.

But irrespective of those differences in viewpoint the greater majority still practices religious freedom, freedom of speech, right to bear arms and free enterprise that until recently was the source of employment, ergo, income; increased profit, i.e. increased jobs and income, and larger tax payments. So how can we resume those features which made the country stronger, healthier and more prosperous?

Clearly actions must be taken by voters to replace the Senate majority this November which has blocked over 300 job-creating bills, while allowing bankrupting-spending.     Similarly, if indications continue to show that the President has intentionally aided and refused to strongly confront our Islamic enemies, impeachment must be considered.

The czars – appointed un-Constitutionally without confirmation by the Senate – should be removed from their anti-business regulatory authority.

The weak-kneed House Republicans should pass firm actions in the best interests of the whole nation and the Senate should approve.

The country needs leaders who understand their primary purpose ”to protect and defend” including protecting our borders. Not just fundraising and drawing meaningless lines in the sand.

Paul Hanway
