Thanks for the support
The Sequim Prairie Garden Club Plant Sale at Pioneer Memorial Park was a huge success thanks to all the people in Sequim and surrounding communities that purchased plants and garden art.
A special thanks to the FFA students from Sequim High School who worked hard to carry goods to cars and helped to keep things organized.
All funds received from the Plant and Garden Art Sale go directly for park and building maintenance. We invite everyone to enjoy our park. It is a gem!
We look forward to seeing everyone again next year.
Lucinda Soha
Sequim Prairie Garden Club
Rate increase ‘shameful’ and ‘greedy’
Water is necessary for life. Cascadia’s request of a 75-100% increase in water rates is shameful and greedy and must be not allowed. This extreme attack on the community and the public interest for obscene increased profits to a few should be stopped immediately.
The application should not only be rejected, but the applicant should be reminded that to hold hostage the Public Interest as they are attempting is not acceptable, and as a reminder and remedy no increases of any kind will be permitted for x amount of years. Fill in the blank with a number.
I propose three years for no rate increase of any kind as a gentle reminder.
If their lawyers screech that their clients cannot provide water with no increase, then we vote whether to make this Public Utility truly public and no longer private for profit and take it over.
Get involved.
Stuart Kiehl
Port Angeles