Letters to the editor

Fireworks ban is a wise move

We are writing to let you and the public know that we are totally in favor of banning all fireworks in Clallam County, other than those used in controlled environments such as off the pier in Port Angeles or on a barge in Sequim Bay. We can site numerous reasons, the most critical being the risk for starting devastating fires.

Not all people set off fireworks in a responsible manner and we, like a majority of property owners, must always stay home on July 4, New Years Eve and any other times fireworks are used … just so we can protect our home and property. That is tremendously unfair!

Aside from the fire danger, the horrible effect on dogs, cats, horses — is so unnecessary. Far too many people are forced to buy medication from their Vets to keep their animals calm and prevent runaway animals and/or distressed animals, causing their injury or even death. Why should we have to deal with that constantly just so some private person can recklessly have their fun putting the rest of us at severe risk every year?

We live in the City of Sequim and are thankful fireworks are banned here; however, the boundaries between county and city overlap everywhere so we know that ban is useless unless the county also bans all private use of fireworks.

It’s time for those people who enjoy fireworks to have established locations in which to do so without infringing on the rights, safety and sanity of the rest of us! Please ban all private use of fireworks in Clallam County … Thank you!


Dave and Marilynne Munro


An unnecessary mess

For the person who left a dirty diaper in the high school parking lot:

On June 13 I was walking across Sequim High School’s parking lot (on the south side of the gym) at about 7:50 p.m., and came across a dirty (feces-filled) diaper, and some dirty (also feces) tissues. The parking lot was empty — there’d been a function earlier.

What an incredible example of inconsiderateness, and a terrible example for young people!

Two litter bins are located nearby, each less than 170 feet from where I found the diaper and tissues.

Please – if you won’t walk to the nearest litter bin, carry a supply of plastic bags in your car and properly dispose your litter when you get home.

Loren Howerter


Letters to the editor