Letters to the editor — Jan. 30, 2019

Border wall opposition is hurting the nation

Is there something wrong with Congress? Is there lead in the water? For Congress to oppose border security — not only a wall, but support staff and electronics, etc., for partisan purposes is anti-American!

We will remember this come election time; that the House Democrats are using holding our security and our welfare, hostage for partisan purposes. This is absolutely inexcusable! President Trump has already saved our country many times the cost of the wall. Fund it or lose elections from here on out!

How can Congress ignore the heroin, methamphetamine, cocaine, terrorists, sex slaves, incurable tuberculosis and other horrible diseases from people that are pouring across our southern border at about 1 every minute? (U.S. Customs and Border Protection, www.cbp.gov/newsroom/stats/sw-border-migration)

Congress is delinquent in their duty to represent the people of the United States for partisan purposes. This is completely inexcusable!

Bobbie Piety


Reality check needed

After years of constant observation it has become apparent to me that government, industry, education and indeed society in general are basing far, far too many decisions and actions affecting us all upon sentiment, fantasy, conjecture and theory and far, far, far too few upon reality and actual fact.

Ethan Harris
