Letters to the editor — May 12, 2021

Flocking fundraiser crew says thanks

The Sequim High School Class of 2021 would like to thank the community for your gracious and enthusiastic participation in the Flamingo Flocking fundraiser.

With this very trying year and it has been an absolute joy to watch our seniors get out there and bring back a tradition, a right of passage. The response was beautiful and your generosity will give this class the party they very much earned.

A heartfelt thank you from the Sequim High School Class of 2021.

T-shirt ‘divisive and obscene’

The T-shirt seen in public worn by our Mayor, Mr. Armacost, is both divisive and obscene, and such a sharp contrast to our recently adopted city slogan, “Be Kind.”

Which message will it be for our community, especially our children?

Martha Rudersdorf


Losing liberty?

I have been watching and listening very closely to everything related to the coronavirus and the recommendations made by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and other infectious disease experts. They have been asking us to wear a mask and maintain social distancing. Most responsible individuals are adhering to these recommendations but a lot of others are constantly whining about losing their liberties because of having to wear a mask.

By not wearing a mask you are endangering others and denying them their right to be safe. It is OK to exercise your right to free speech but there are things you just can’t do. You cannot take away the liberties of others.

Most businesses require you to wear a mask, yet some people defy this and refuse to wear one. Refusing to wear a mask puts me and others like me at risk of catching this virus and possibly even dying as a result. That is taking my freedoms away and you don’t have the right to do that. The recent super spreader events in Clallam County are a perfect example of some individuals disregard for the safety and liberties of others.

There are legal and moral consequences to every action you take. You may not like it but that’s the way it is and if I get infected because of what you do and I can prove it was you, there could be legal ramifications.

Stan Riddle


Honor Myron

Please name an athletic field after Myron Teterud.

Sequim lost a great man with the passing of Myron Teterud. Myron was passionate about Sequim High School sports. He had decades of statistics and memories of our athletics tucked away in his brain. Nothing was forgotten. He spoke of the school’s athletes positively and chose to recall their more flattering moments; and he did so often. He was our best fan. Myron was a one of a kind and needs to be remembered.

I am excited about a movement to name a field after Myron. This is the correct way to honor and remember the man who honored and remember us.

Sadly, I hear there is opposition to naming a field after Myron. Why? Perhaps some narrow-minded people feel he didn’t do enough or enough of the things people do to get fields named after them. Perhaps they did not know him. Perhaps they don’t really care about Sequim High School athletics. Perhaps they will have a change of heart and do the right thing: name an athletic field after Myron!

I hope one day I will have the privilege of standing on Myron Field and telling my boys about Sequim High School’s Best Fan.

Sean Culver

Sequim High School Class of 1996


T-shirt says much about Sequim’s mayor

I was recently subjected to a picture of the mayor of Sequim, William Armacost. He was shopping in our local Costco and his shirt indicated the following: “This is the USA -We Eat Meat – We Drink Beer – We Own Guns – We speak English -We Love Freedom – If You Don’t Like That – Then Get the F__K Out.”

While I do not live within the city limits of Sequim, my place of residency and mailing address is identified as Sequim and I find his shirt offensive.

When we wear something of this nature, it says a great deal about ourselves. In his case, his shirt has racist overtones.

It also says he is not open to dialogue!

I am embarrassed not only for the residents who he represents, but also for the entire population of Sequim. I am hoping the voting residents within in the city limits, vote him out this fall.

Linda Klinefelter


Roundabouts are wonderful, just not in Blyn!

Recently there has been talk about a roundabout on Hwy 101 in Blyn. Roundabouts used properly reduce accidents and can improve traffic flow. Unfortunately, the proposed site would do the opposite, slowing traffic and causing accidents due to the curves in the 101. This roundabout does not meet the best practices for proper use of roundabouts.

First, the WSDOT information compares a roundabout with a traffic signal. From a New York Times article: “states are rushing to build them — not least because roundabouts, with no traffic signals to maintain, are comparatively cheap.”

Second, roundabouts have been found impractical for use on motorways. On Wikipedia it states: “While they work there with the relatively light traffic volume, they would be impractical in urban areas that have much heavier flow.”

Third, Blyn has turnouts that assist drivers at both the Sophus Road and at the Casino. The turnouts are well planned to allow vehicles entry on to 101 with minimal disruption to the traffic flow.

We live on East Sequim Bay Road and enter the 101 on Blyn X-ing. We tested the traffic at multiple times times going both ways. With 30 cars following too close entering the curve in less than 1 minute we were chilled by the thought of trying to stop this line of cars. The horror of seeing a barreling lumber truck coming around the curve makes us believe that if this roundabout is ever built the locals will name it “The Nightmare on the 101”!

Please table this bad idea.

Henry and Cindi Jones


New relationship with the letter ‘q’

I’ve had a quaint fondness for the letter ‘q’ since young and quart-sized. ‘Q’ could be quiet or quaky. It was an independent, unique letter unto itself. I related unquestionably.

My tranquility with ‘q’ was squelched by the quixotic, qabalistic followers of “QAnon” — from its biased anti-Semitic core of “blood libel” to querulous anti-vaxxers, to the spiritually quenchless, to online queasy manipulators, to those quizzically addicted to conspiracy.

A main question has become: How do we know what’s real?

In the woods while I vacationed “off grid” last week, the ticks and spiders decided to puncture my skin. This was real. If alert, I felt the disquieting predators dash to the nape of my neck and along my back, and I dealt with them. Some used the inequity of sleepy night.

QAnon is a mosquito, that pierces human flesh painfully, sucks out people’s kind-heartedness and objectivity, makes them quarrelsome and unable to function quick-wittedly, subsequently leaves mean scabs and scars if they scratch its lumps too frequently. Consequently, it’s disqualified as an adequate ally.

The eloquent letter “q” deserves better! I bet all us alphas will come to its rescue!

Gayle Brauner

Port Angeles

Market program unfair

The Sequim Farmers Market Board of Directors & manager made an alliance with Center for Inclusive Entrepreneurship, to give $1K for a new vendor to start up a business; only BIPOC-LBGTQA+ are eligible.

People of no color and people that identify as straight are not considered for these funds. This is racism!

On CIE website: “We believe that everyone — regardless of gender, ethnicity or background — is a potential entrepreneur.”

In SFAM vendors packet it states, “The Sequim Famers Market opposes racism, sexism, transphobia, ableism, classism and other oppression. SFAM will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, gender expression, age, national origin, disability, marital status, sexual orientation or military status in any of its activities or operations.”

Upon voicing my freedom of speech, I was removed by the board president, Gina (Witz) Luellen, as a vendor at the Sequim Farmers & Artisans Market. I did not violate any rules as a vendor at the market, yet I have been removed as a vendor for speaking my mind.

I do not have an official letter, just an email and my money has not been returned to me as of this writing.

SFAM is being used by a group that discriminates based on color/sexual preferences. Starting a business takes work, ingenuity and perhaps a hand-up but SFAM should not be used for a platform of bigotry and bias.

Ref.: Resolution No. R2020-12, A resolution of the City of Sequim Condemning Discrimination, and Racism

Virginia R. Sheppard


Editor’s note: We asked the Sequim Farmers and Artisans Market board for a response to the above letter:

The Sequim Farmers and Artisans Market (SFAM) is proud to be in partnership with The Center for Inclusive Entrepreneurship (CIE) for the 2021 season. SFAM aims to empower up-and-coming small business owners in achieving their entrepreneurial goals. SFAM recognizes that the start-up costs in preparing for the market can be challenging. In partnership with CIE, SFAM has established the program to offer The Market-Ready Funds.

The funds for the SFAM Market-Ready program were awarded to CIE from the Seattle Foundation and were designated by the donor to support entrepreneurs of color and those in the LGBTQ+ community. This fund aims to reduce some of the financial barriers for these entrepreneurs. CIE serves a wide variety of entrepreneurs that face systemic and personal barriers in rural and under-served communities throughout Washington State.

CIE is happy to bring these funds to the North Olympic Peninsula and delighted to partner with SFAM. SFAM is strategically positioned to assist those who wish to start and grow micro-enterprises.

Early-stage BIPOC & LGBTQA+ entrepreneurs are eligible to receive up to $1,000 in startup funds to launch their small business at Sequim Farmers & Artisans Market. The funds are intended for non-recurring start-up costs including (but not limited to) signage, printing materials, display or storage, on-site cooking equipment, booth tent, etc.

Priority will be given to applicants from Clallam County, Jefferson County or north Kitsap County who identify as Black, indigenous, people of color or LGBTQA+. The deadline for interested applicants is June 7.

Sequim Farmers and Artisans Market Board of Directors and management

Center for Inclusive Entrepreneurship