Letters to the editor — Sept. 29, 2021

‘Culling the herd’ an outrageous plan

A proposal to “cull the herd,” or in plain English, to “kill” the deer in Sunland, is outrageous.

Most people live in Sequim to enjoy the mountains, forests, water and wildlife.

Most do everything possible to preserve the integrity of rural life.

Excuses given for killing the deer in Sunland don’t hold water. I suspect there is some other agenda.

The tiny minority who object to living in harmony with wildlife should move elsewhere. Like to a high rise in Manhattan.

If you are appalled at the proposed deer slaughter in Sunland, send your protest email to Kelly Susewind, director of the Washington Department of Wildlife, at Kelly.Susewind@dfw.wa.gov.

John R. Lathrop
