How about an itemized break down of bids and bidders for the school bond dollars? For example, how many square feet of roof and what is being done and who is doing it for $1M?
Same on the remodels. Price for the three-acre lot west of the middle school? The school board is delusional if they think that they are going to get more than a few votes for this bond measure unless they can justify the costs.
Personally, I will most always vote for money for schools but I want to know EXACTLY where my dollars are going! I would require that local contractors, subcontractors and suppliers be used. Can the tax hike be graduated as the debt and so the payments for the construction grows. Lots of questions. $150M is a TON of money to ding us for without a detailed explanation of where the money is going.
How about some investigative reporting on this issue?
John Lebowitz