Backyard Birding : Time to talk nesting

“Nesting,” the Saturday, Feb. 11, session of Backyard Birding, will meet at the Dungeness River Audubon Center, Railroad Bridge Park, from 10 a.m.-noon.

Attendees will learn about bird nests, how and where birds nest, the care and maintenance of nests and nesting boxes because it is time to think about birds and spring.

The class will be presented by Ken Wiersema.

The class also will show how to participate in the Great Backyard Bird Count’(GBBC), a national annual census of bird populations sponsored by both the Audubon Society and the Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology.

Following a short field trip to tally birds in Railroad Bridge Park, you will learn how to enter data in the GBBC computer database. The GBBC census occurs Feb. 17-20. You may participate by counting species in your own garden and backyard feeding areas for a minimum of 15 minutes or as extensively as you wish.

This presentation is the fifth of the series of 10 classes offered by the Olympic Peninsula Audubon Society. Families and individuals are invited to attend any or all of the sessions. There is a $5 fee for each class for those over 18. After five sessions are attended, a free one year membership in OPAS will be offered to participants.

The Dungeness River Audubon Center also is offering a “Nest Box Building” class at 10 a.m. Saturday, Feb. 25, at the center. A pre-registration fee of $15 is requested for supplies.