The City Arts Advisory Commission (CAAC) opening of the “Go Figure” exhibit and artist reception from 5-8 p.m. at the Sequim Civic Center, 152 W. Cedar St. during the First Friday Art Walk Sequim on Jan. 4.
The opening event includes demonstrations from local award-winning artist presenters talking about how to draw and paint figures, how to create digital artwork, and how a criminal sketch artist works.
The CAAC reviewed 46 pieces of work before selecting 34 pieces from 21 artists to be included in the show. Artists represented are Ron Reynolds, Priscilla Patterson, Randy Radock, Marilynn Evans, Stacey Marin-Lopez, Gary Bullock, Gail McLain, Mark Kennedy, Ross Brown, Sharman Owings, June Echternkamp, Eileen Gieser, Mary Marsh, Mary Franchini, Lynne Armstrong, Pamela Dick, Curposney Gdane, Jeannine Chappell, Susan Martin Spar, David Johannessohn and Steve Jones.
At 5:15 p.m., Susan Spar presents “Bringing Your Vision to Life; An Introduction to Finding Your Inner Artist.” Spar, a classical artist and teacher, will illustrate the steps she takes in drawing and painting a figure and will be sharing some of her students’ work to show how they take their idea and begin to create it. This will be done via showing a visual progression of how they are taught to place a figure into an imaginary environment.
At 6:15 p.m., Pamela Dick presents “Digital Artistry: Using Your Computer to Create Fine Art.” Dick is a digital artist specializing in fractals. Dick will explain the steps she takes to create her own unique shapes and imagination expanding images, with examples, explanations, and interpretations of her work.
At 7 p.m., Priscilla Patterson presents “How to Catch A Criminal: Starting with a Sketch.” She will share her passion for the journey to become a certified composite artist and her work as a police sketch artist.
In the Sequim Civic Center Lobby, visit with Spar while working with a live model on site. She will demonstrate the technique she uses to start a drawing and will have illustrations of previous work available for viewing. Dick will show some of the steps to creating fractal art including what happens when the mathematical formula is changed and how to add colors, 3-D effects and finishing. And Patterson will do some on-site sketching while she shares her award-winning paintings, books and CDs.