Deadline for items appearing in the community calendar is noon on Wednesday, one week before publication at or delivered to the Sequim Gazette at 147 W. Washington St.
Thursday Nov. 29
• Olympic Express Big Band, big band-Dixieland-Motown, 6 p.m., 7 Cedars Casino’s Club Seven, 270756 US Highway 101.
Friday Nov. 30
• Andy Koch’s Badd Dog Blues, blues, 6-8:30 p.m., $10, Sequim Elks Lodge, 143 Port Williams Road.
• Sarah Shea & Chez Jazz, vocal jazz, 7-9 p.m., Wind Rose Cellars, 143 W. Washington
• Hippy & the Squids, 7-10 p.m., 7 Cedars Casino’s Rainforest Cafe, 270756 US Highway 101.
• Black Diamond Junction, classic hits, 9 p.m., 7 Cedars Casino’s Club Seven, 270756 US Highway 101.
Saturday Dec. 1
• Jenny Davis Trio, vocal jazz, 7 p.m., Wind Rose Cellars, 143 W. Washington
• Buck Ellard, 7-10 p.m., 7 Cedars Casino’s Rainforest Cafe, 270756 US Highway 101.
• Sway, chart-topping hits, 9 p.m., 7 Cedars Casino’s Club Seven, 270756 US Highway 101.
Sunday Dec. 2
• Old Sidekicks & Side Chick, traditional country and bluegrass, 6-8:30 p.m., $10, Sequim Elks Lodge, 143 Port Williams Road.
Tuesday Dec. 4
• Peninsula College Jazz Ensemble Fall Quarter Concert, 7 p.m., Maier Hall, 1502 E. Lauridsen Blvd., Port Angeles.
Thursday Dec. 6
• Ants Ants Ants, youth-oriented music, 10:30 a.m., Sequim Boys and Girls Club, 400 W. Fir St.
Friday Dec. 7
• Tony Flaggs Band, blues/rock, 7 p.m., Wind Rose Cellars, 143 W. Washington
• Keith Scott, 7-10 p.m., 7 Cedars Casino’s Rainforest Cafe, 270756 US Highway 101.
• Black Door Alley, blues-soul-funk-eclectic pop rock, 9 p.m., 7 Cedars Casino’s Club Seven, 270756 US Highway 101.
Saturday Dec. 8
• Alex Rasmussen, folk/rock, 7 p.m., Wind Rose Cellars, 143 W. Washington
• Keith Scott, 7-10 p.m., 7 Cedars Casino’s Rainforest Cafe, 270756 US Highway 101.
• The Works, classic and top-40 hits, 6 p.m., 7 Cedars Casino’s Club Seven, 270756 US Highway 101.
Sunday Dec. 9
• FarmStrong, Americana, 6-8:30 p.m., $10, Sequim Elks Lodge, 143 Port Williams Road.
Monday, Dec. 10
• Peninsula College Vocal Jazz Ensemble, 2-3 p.m., The Lodge at Sherwood Village, 600 Evergreen Way.
Friday Dec. 14
• Dawn Martin, rock, 7 p.m., Wind Rose Cellars, 143 W. Washington
• Billy Shew, 7-10 p.m., 7 Cedars Casino’s Rainforest Cafe, 270756 US Highway 101.
• Black Diamond Junction, classic hits, 9 p.m., 7 Cedars Casino’s Club Seven, 270756 US Highway 101.
Saturday Dec. 15
• “Mike Klinger B3 Organ Band,” jazz/funk, 7 p.m., Wind Rose Cellars, 143 W. Washington
• Dawn Martin, 7-10 p.m., 7 Cedars Casino’s Rainforest Cafe, 270756 US Highway 101.
• The Turner Brothers Band, all—request music, 9 p.m., 7 Cedars Casino’s Club Seven, 270756 US Highway 101.
Friday Dec. 21
• Bread & Gravy, 7-10 p.m., 7 Cedars Casino’s Rainforest Cafe, 270756 US Highway 101.
• The M80s, new wave 80s, 9 p.m., 7 Cedars Casino’s Club Seven, 270756 US Highway 101.
Saturday, Dec. 22
• Benni James, 7-10 p.m., 7 Cedars Casino’s Rainforest Cafe, 270756 US Highway 101.
• The Jim Hoffman Band, best of country, 9 p.m., 7 Cedars Casino’s Club Seven, 270756 US Highway 101.
Sunday, Dec. 23
• Danny Vernon, Elvis Christmas spectacular, 6 p.m., 7 Cedars Casino’s Club Seven, 270756 US Highway 101.
• Olympic Generations, Americana, 6-8:30 p.m., $10, Sequim Elks Lodge, 143 Port Williams Road.
Friday Dec. 28
• Black Diamond Junction, 1960s-1990s American pop, 6-8:30 p.m., $10, Sequim Elks Lodge, 143 Port Williams Road.
• Nabil Kausal-Hayes, 7-10 p.m., 7 Cedars Casino’s Rainforest Cafe, 270756 US Highway 101.
Saturday Dec. 29
• Jim Hoffman, 7-10 p.m., 7 Cedars Casino’s Rainforest Cafe, 270756 US Highway 101.
• Whiskey River, tribute to Lynyrd Skynyrd, 10 p.m., 7 Cedars Casino’s Club Seven, 270756 US Highway 101.
Monday, Dec. 31
• Tony Petrillo & the Roundabouts, jazz-blues, 6-9 p.m., $15 ($50 couple/$30 single for dinner and dance), Sequim Elks Lodge, 143 Port Williams Road.
• Emerald City Showdown and Hippy & the Squids, 9 p.m., 7 Cedars Casino’s Club Seven, 270756 US Highway 101.
Events, exhibits
• Sequim Community Christmas Chorus, 7:30 p.m. Friday, Nov. 30, 3 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 1, and Sunday, Dec. 2, at Sequim Seventh-day Adventist Church, 30 Sanford Lane. Tickets $5, at Sequim-Dungeness Valley Chamber of Commerce Visitor Center, 1192 E. Washington St., and Bauer Interior Design, 119 N. Sequim Ave. Tickets also at door, $5 suggested donation (children younger than 12 free).
• NorthWest Women’s Chorale holiday concert, “Listen to the Sounds in Heaven,” 7 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 1 , Dungeness Valley Lutheran Church, 925 N. Sequim Ave. $15 suggested donation.
• “A Bright Room Called Day,” Peninsula College drama department production, 7 p.m., Nov. 30-Dec. 1 and Dec. 7-8; noon, Dec. 5. At Peninsula College’s Little Theater, 1502 E. Lauridsen Blvd., Port Angeles.
• Port Angeles Symphony Holiday Concert, 7:30 p.m., Saturday, Dec. 8, Port Angeles High School Performing Arts Center, 304 E. Park Ave. $18 general admission, $15 students/senior citizens, free to 16 and younger (with paying adult).
• Tidepools Magazine seeks works from residents of North Olympic Peninsula in fine and digital art, photography, poetry, short prose, music. Deadline is Jan. 11; winners announced March 15.
• Blue Whole Gallery calls for artists for juried competition in January 2019. Artists must be 18+. All two-dimensional media is eligible. No more than three entries per person. Art must be no more than 28 inches on longest side. Works must be hand delivered to gallery, 129 W. Washington St., between Dec. 8-11 during regular working hours. See or contact Joyce Volmut at
• Sequim Lavender Growers Association seeks art for 2019 Sequim Lavender Festival poster art, T-shirts, advertising and festival items. No more than three entries per artist. Deadline is Dec. 29. Submit via email,, or mail to: SLGA, P.O. Box 3844, Sequim, WA 98382.
Ongoing music/dance
• “Audio Cinema — The Music that Makes the Movies,” with Shelley Taylor Morgan, 3 p.m., KSQM 91.5 FM. Also at 9 p.m. Mondays. For program schedule, see
• “Audio Cinema — The Music that Makes the Movies.” (See Sunday listing)
• Grand Olympic Chorus rehearsals for women’s a cappella four-part harmony. 6:30 p.m. 990 E. Washington St., Ste. 103. Call Beth, 360-775-1415, or Wendy, 683-0141.
• Shipley Center ukulele group. 1-3 p.m. $3 non-members/$2 members. Beginner’s classes available, 360-477-4240. 921 E. Hammond St.
• The Cat’s Meow, jazz for dancers hosted by Port Angeles Senior Swingers Dance Group, 6:30-8:30 p.m., Port Angeles Senior Center, 328 E. Seventh St., $5 (first time free), 360-582-9026.
• Sequim Community Orchestra rehearsals. 7-9 p.m. September-June, James Center for the Performing Arts,
• Olympic Peninsula Men’s Chorus rehearsal. 6:30-8:30 p.m. Sunland Golf and Country Club clubhouse, 109 Hilltop Road.
• Olympic Mountain Cloggers. 6 p.m. Howard Wood Memorial Theater, 132½ W. Washington St., 360-681-3987.
• Rhody O’s Square Dance Club. 7:30 p.m. Gardiner Community Center, 360-683-2409.
• Open mic with Victor Reventlow. Sign-ups 6 p.m., Nourish, 101 Provence View Lane.
• Jerry’s Classic Country Band, 6 p.m. Sequim VFW Post 4760, 169 E. Washington St.
• Sequim City Band rehearsal. 7-9 p.m. James Center for the Performing Arts (in north Carrie Blake Park), 350 N. Blake Ave.,, or 360-207-4722.
• Open mic at Rainshadow Coffee, 157 W. Cedar St. 5:30-8:30 p.m. All ages, acts welcome. 360-797-1654 or
• Jerry’s Classic Country Band, 6 p.m. Sequim VFW Post 4760, 169 E. Washington St.
Ongoing Events
• Alcoholics Anonymous, 877-682-4143 or 360-797-0259 or for meeting schedule, times.
• Shipley Center classes, activities. 921 E. Hammond St., Sequim, 360-683-6806.
• Blue Mountain Yoga+, 803 Carlsborg Rd, Suite D, has all levels of classes in yoga, tai chi and meditation. Also, studio available to rent for events. Call 360-775-9078 or visit for class times/cost, visit FB page.
• Full Contact Trivia, 6 p.m., Wii Bowling 8 p.m. Oasis Bar & Grill, 301 E. Washington St., 360-582-3143.
• Bingo, noon, Sequim Elks Lodge, 143 Port Williams Road. $10 buy-in, 360-683-2763.
• WSU Clallam County Master Gardeners tend plots at Port Angeles Fifth Street Community Garden, 10 a.m.-noon; home gardeners welcome to ask questions about vegetable gardening. 360-565-2679.
• Ping-pong, advanced, 360-681-4675; bingo, 360-683-9546.
• Sequim Duplicate Bridge Club games, 12:30 p.m., Masonic Lodge, 100 S. Fifth Ave., $5. 360-582-1289.
• Sequim Valley Car Club, 6 p.m. third Monday, Sequim Elks Club, 143 Port Williams Road, 360-460-8319.
• Ecumenical Taize service, 7 p.m. fourth Monday, St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, 525 N. Fifth Ave.
• Peninsula Button Club, 1-3 p.m. fourth Monday, First Federal, 1202 W. Washington St., 360-683-7935.
• Civil Air Patrol Dungeness Squadron, 6-8 p.m. Tuesdays, Sequim Middle School cafeteria, 301 W. Hendrickson Road, open to cadets age 12-18 and adults with aviation interests, or 360-912-2888.
• Highland Irrigation District, 7 p.m., first Tuesday, Adagio Bean & Leaf, 481 E. Washington St.
• Sequim/Dungeness Kiwanis Club, noon-1 p.m., second/fourth Tuesday, Paradise Restaurant, 703 N. Sequim Ave.
• Sequim Diabetes support group, 10-11 a.m., first Tuesday, Shipley Center, 921 E. Hammond St., 683-6806.
• The Skwim Toastmasters Club, 7 p.m., first/third Tuesday, 680 W. Prairie St. Guests welcome. Victoria, 360-379-3814.
• Drop-in grief support group, 1:30-3 p.m. first/third Tuesday, Sequim Community Church, 950 N. Fifth Ave. Paul Fiorini, 360-582-3796.
• Peninsula Community Drum Circle, 6:30-8:30 p.m., fourth Tuesday; for September-May at Olympic UU Fellowship hall, 1300 N. Barr Road, 360-683-3819.
• National MS Society support group, 2-4 p.m., last Tuesday, OMC Sequim Medical Building, second floor conference room, 840 N. Fifth Ave., 206-817-5636.
• Celebrate Recovery, 6-8 p.m., Dungeness Community Church, 45 Eberle Lane, 360-683-7333.
• PAL (Parents of Addicted Loved Ones), 6-7:30 p.m., first and third Wednesdays, Sequim Community Church, 950 N. 5th Ave., 360-565-6368.
• The Olympic Peninsula Oneness Blessings Circle, 6:30-8 p.m. every Wednesday, 2227 E. Lindberg Road, Port Angeles, 360-477-5682.
• Bird walks at Railroad Bridge Park, 360-681-4076.
• Blood pressure checks, 360-417-7486.
• Bingo, noon, Sequim Elks Lodge, 143 Port Williams Road, $10 buy-in, 360-683-2763.
• Ping-pong, advanced, 360-681-4675.
• The DUCK Discussion, 9:15-10:45 a.m., Parkwood clubhouse, 261520 U.S. Highway 101.
• Trivia Time Live, 8-10 p.m. 7 Cedars Casino, 270756 US Highway 101, Blyn, 360-683-7777.
• Questers Clallam C’lectors, 1-3 p.m. first Thursday. Call Marilynn Elliott, 360-681-2023, for location.
• Strait Stamp Society, 6-8 p.m. first Thursday, library, 630 N. Sequim Ave.
• Gardiner Community Cemetery Commissioners, 5 p.m. second Thursday, Gardiner Community Center, 980 Old Gardiner Road, Gardiner.
• Alzheimer’s Association family caregiver support group, 1-2:30 p.m. second Thursday, Sequim Bible Church, Room 401, 847 N. Sequim Ave., 360-683-5294.
• Olympic Peninsula Chapter of Club Miata Northwest, second Thursday. Call 716-704-5789 for time and meeting location.
• Sequim Valley Lions Club, 6:30 p.m. second/fourth Thursday, Paradise Restaurant, 703 N. Sequim Ave.
• Open mic with Victor Reventlow, 4:30-7:30 p.m., Fairmount Diner, 1127 West Highway 101, Port Angeles, 360-797-4906.
• Fourth Friday Readings, 6:30 p.m. fourth Friday, The Lodge, 660 Evergreen Farm Way.
• Sequim Duplicate Bridge Club games, 12:30 p.m., Masonic Lodge, 100 S. Fifth Ave., $5. 360-582-1289.
• Great Decisions Discussion Group, 10 a.m.-noon first and third Fridays, Sequim Library, 630 N. Sequim Ave. Moderated Discussion group sponsored through the Foreign Policy Association; participants learn about, discuss important current foreign policy issues. Guests and new members encouraged. Topics announced and communicated in advance.
• Overeaters Anonymous, 10-11 a.m., St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, 525 N. Fifth Ave. Mary L., 360-683-5764
• Meditation group, 9-10:30 a.m. second/fourth Saturdays. Dungeness Valley Lutheran Church parish house, 923 N. Sequim Ave., 360-681-0946.
• The Northern Olympic Lung Pulmonary group, 11:30 a.m. fourth Saturday, Mariner Cafe, 609 W. Washington St. Call Annette Mari, 360-681-3010, or Diane Dettmer, 360-565-8301.
• National Federation of the Blind of Clallam County, 1-3 p.m. first Saturday, Mariner Cafe, 609 W. Washington St., Ste. 1, 360-582-6931 or No host luncheon.
• Retired Coast Guard, 10 a.m. breakfast, third Saturday, Joshua’s, 113 Del Guzzi Drive, Port Angeles.
Ongoing Classes
• I.T. workshops: learn about computer-related topics. Held 10 a.m.-noon on Thursdays; cost depends on group size. Call to register at 360-504-3272.
• Yoga classes seven days per week, 9-10:15 a.m., Bodhi Tree Yoga, 271 Blakely Blvd., Sequim. $12 per class or package, 360-460-1864 or
• Quick step and cha cha dance lessons, 6:30 p.m./7:30 p.m., Scandia Hall, 131 W. Fifth St., Port Angeles. $8 per person, 360-457-2001 or
• Beginner Line Dance Class, 10-11:30 a.m. Fridays, Sequim Elks. Call Barbara at 360-775-1650; High Beginner+ Line Dance Class, 9-11 a.m. Thursdays. Call Marilynne at 460-0553; Intermediate Line Dance Class, 9-11 a.m. Wednesdays, Sequim W. Call Marilynne at 360-460-0553. Fees apply.
• Blue Mountain Yoga+, 803 Carlsborg Road, Ste. D, Carlsborg, classes in yoga, NIA dance, Tai Chi, chair yoga, fitness ball, meditation. Call 360-775-9078 or for class times/cost; studio available to rent.
• Meditation Group, 7-8:30 p.m. Tuesdays, Village Heartbeat Studio, 353 Chickadee Lane, 360-681-5407.
• Cardiac care classes, 360-417-7486.
• Yoga, 425-225-2990 or; hula, 360-809-3390 or; jewelry making, 360-681-5087; tai chi, 866-651-0544; Whole Person Drumming classes, 360-681-5407; meditation classes/groups, 360-681-5407; Energy Healers/Intuitive Development, 360-582-0083; American mahjong, 360-683-6806; free language classes, German–Mondays, French–Tuesdays/Fridays, Italian/Spanish–Wednesdays, 360-681-0226; Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement, 360-775-6373.
• Red Cross first aid, CPR/AED (adult/pediatric), disaster services, 360-457-7933.
• Bridge lessons, nonprofit Sequim Duplicate Bridge Club, 10 a.m.-noon Mondays. $30/player, $100/foursome. Masonic Lodge, 700 S. Fifth Ave., 360-681-4308.