Explore drip irrigation systems at Saturday’s ‘Work To Learn’ party

Learn all about drip irrigation systems at the next Sequim Botanical Garden Society (SGBS) “Work to Learn” Party, scheduled for 1-3 p.m. on Saturday, April 6, at the Sequim Botanical Terrace Garden at Carrie Blake Community Park, near the bandshell.

The Sequim Botanical Garden Society has been operating on a drip irrigation system since the gardens were started in 2007. Gary Butler will be at the Terrace Gardens to show how to use existing drip lines, already underground and connected to the irrigation system, using the garden’s soaker hoses.

There are many advantages to drip irrigation, gardening experts say, including being relatively inexpensive, relatively easy to do, an ability to target plants and to change location of drip lines when plants are dug up or new ones are added.

There are also a number of disadvantages, however: they need to be cleaned out and tested every spring, there are many lines going to emitters near the plants and one can get tripped up, it’s easy to pull the hoses off the emitters, it’s easy to cut the lines with gardening clippers while deadheading or cutting down for winter.

This year, SBGS members are going to replace some of the drip lines — the ones that water the peonies — with soaker hoses.

“Because the City of Sequim takes responsibility for irrigation of our gardens, we asked the help of the guys who do anything and everything around the city’s parks for help,” SBGS representatives said. “There are two staircases that break up the flower beds also, but underground hoses can be changed with a T-connector to get around those. If you are interested in seeing how the City and the SBGS work together, and if you also have a stake in underground lines that you want to keep but don’t think emitters work best for your own situation, come see how soaker hoses can replace the above ground tangle of emitters and drip lines.”

“Work to Learn” parties are opportunities for novices and seasoned gardeners alike to volunteer together to cultivate what makes the community distinctive and flourishing. Attendees do not have to get in the dirt to learn, but if those who want to help are asked to bring gardening gloves, tools, sunscreen and hats. Enter the parking lot at East Fir Street and Blake Avenue, park there, walk across the footbridge to the terrace gardens, and continue straight along the central path to the first staircase.

SBGS is a volunteer partner with the City of Sequim and a 501(c)3 nonprofit that provides information and a demonstration of what can be done in home gardening with research-based horticultural practices.

For more information, contact Dona Brock at BROCKDL88@gmail.com or 360-460-8865, or visit fb.me/SequimBotanicalGarden and SequimBotanicalGarden.org.