Learn from Lee Bowen, Sequim Botanical Garden Society vice-president and 26-year botanical gardener, during a Work to Learn party demonstration dubbed “Pruning the Golden Celebration Roses,” starting at 1 p.m. Saturday, March 9, at the Sequim Botanical Garden in Carrie Blake Community Park just north of the band shell, 350 N. Blake Ave.
After the rose demonstration, learn how to support the garden in other ways besides trimming and weeding. There will be a guided tour of the garden and information about other volunteer opportunities that are critical to the new developments at the garden.
These Work to Learn parties, group members say, are an opportunity for novice and seasoned gardeners to volunteer together to cultivate what makes our community distinctive and flourishing. Participants don’t have to get in the dirt to learn, but those who want to help are asked to bring gardening gloves, tools, sunscreen and hats.
The Sequim Botanical Garden Society (SBGS) is a volunteer partner with the City of Sequim and a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that provides educational information and a visual demonstration of what can be done in home gardening with research-based horticultural practices at the group’s garden.
For further information, contact SBGS president Dona Brock at brockdl88@gmail.com or 360-460-8865. Find SBGS on Facebook at fb.me/Sequim BotanicalGarden or visit SequimBotanica lGarden.org.