The WSU Extension Office of Clallam County is looking for gardens with ripe cherries and berries to share.
The organization has a group of volunteer gleaners who come and harvest from local gardens and donate much of what they pick to food banks, senior centers and after school programs.
“If you have too much of a good thing, consider sharing the wealth with your neighbors in Clallam County,” WSU Extension Gleaning Coordinator Sharah Truett said.
Children at food banks are fond of cherries and berries and they can be a great “gateway fruit” toward a healthy diet, Truett said.
“You can really put a smile on the face of a senior who visits one of our local senior centers, by helping put fresh cherries and berries on their table,” Truett added. “We often hear from low-income seniors that our gleaned produce reminds them of their childhood growing up on a farm”.
Learn how to sign your yard up to be a glean site by calling 360-565-2619 or contacting Truett at