The North Olympic History Center is offering the 2023 Scholarship Essay Hands on History Program.
This scholarship program is open to any high school student (public, private, homeschooled) living in Clallam County.
The application is available at; a link is provided under Hands on History for application. All information is in the application.
This program has been established to encourage high school students in grades 9-12 to research and embrace a particular history subject of interest to the student.
Scholarships are worth $1,500, $750 and $500.
“The goal is to have Clallam County History come alive not only for the student, but also for the audiences it is being presented to,” scholarship representatives said.
This contest will be featured in April 2023. An application/deadline is set for 1 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 5, at the campus of North Olympic History Center, 933 W. Ninth St., Port Angeles; an RSVP is needed for those attending.
For more information, call David at 360-452-2662 or Laurie at 360-460-7181.