Harmonize at chorus’ hoedown

Some local singers hope you’ll saddle up for their upcoming hoedown.

Some local singers hope you’ll saddle up for their upcoming hoedown.

The Grand Olympics Chorus of the Sweet Adelines International present two shows of “Yahoo! It’s a Harmony Hoedown!” on Sept. 20 at the Sequim High School auditorium.

Twenty-five singers led by director Mike Menefee bring a variety of old favorites like “In the Cool, Cool, Cool of the Evening,” “Pardon My Southern Accent,” and “How Ya’ Gonna Keep Em’ Down on the Farm?” along with an original by Menefee called “Yahoo!”

Marcia Homer, who joined the chorus in 1991, said after she saw an ad looking for singers at Christmastime, she figured being with the chorus was a 10-week commitment, but it turned into 23 years of fun. “Once I was there I was hooked,” Homer said.

As is tradition, the show is split in two with the first hour featuring the chorus and its quartets along with skits in the vein of “Hee Haw” followed by an intermission with refreshments.

The second hour brings to stage the Olympic Peninsula Men’s Chorus, No Batteries Required, Young Fiddlers and Aspire!, the 2014 quartet silver medalists of the North by Northwest Region 13 (of Sweet Adelines International).

Linda Muldowney, this show’s chairman, and one-fourth of Aspire!, said she’s been singing as a hobby for 30 years and it can turn into a lifetime hobby of healthy fun.

“We do this because it’s fun,” she said. “We love to sing and perfecting our vocal skills to be the best we can be is what drives us to a higher level of excellence.”

The Grand Olympics Chorus was founded in Port Angeles in 1979 and moved to Sequim in the early 1990s. The group opens its meetings to interested participants at 6:30 p.m. Mondays in the QFC shopping center, at 990 E. Washington St. Ste. E103.

For more information, visit grandolympicschorus.org.


“Yahoo! It’s a Harmony Hoedown!”

Featuring: Grand Olympics Chorus of Sweet Adelines International

Guests: Aspire!, Olympic Peninsula Men’s Chorus, No Batteries Required, Young Fiddlers and various quartets from the chapter.

Where: Sequim High School auditorium, 533 N. Sequim Ave.

When: 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 20

Tickets: $12 general admission, $10 students/seniors 65 and older

Tickets available from members, Port Book & News in Port Angeles, Lost Mountain Country in Sequim, and at the door