Learn about landscaping with native plants

Learn how to create sustainable landscapes that thrive while requiring less maintenance, less water and contributing to the natural habitats of native fauna at the next Green Thumbs Garden Tips education series presentation.

Joe Holtrop, Clallam Conservation District executive director, will discuss “Landscaping with Native Plants” from noon-1 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 12, during a Zoom presentation. Join the Zoom talk by following the link at extension.wsu.edu/clallam. Or, join by phone by calling 253-215-8782 (meeting ID 910 2392 6933; passcode 115905). Attendees are asked to login early to ensure speaker volume is adequate and microphone is muted so that attendees cannot hear background noise.

Holtrop will cover basic landscape design principles, review common native trees and shrubs and talk about how to incorporate them into residential landscaping. He will also provide information on site preparation, planting and caring for bare-root plants.

Holtrop has graduate and undergraduate degrees in landscape architecture and a master’s degree in adult education. He has been promoting “natural landscaping” in Clallam County since 1989 when he began working for Clallam Conservation District.

Holtrop has been giving presentations, leading workshops, and teaching courses on sustainable landscaping for more than 30 years.

Sponsored by WSU Clallam County Master Gardeners, the Green Thumbs Garden Tips series now includes live-streaming presentations from noon-1 p.m. the second Thursday in November, December and January. The lectures provide home gardeners with education on research-based sustainable garden practices in Clallam County. For more information, call 360-565-2679.