Learn from Master Gardeners how to efficiently water your garden

Watering your garden properly is fundamental in growing healthy plants, but how do you find the “sweet spot” between too much water and not enough?

Find out how to strike that perfect balance by learning the four key elements to watering as Master Gardener Tom del Hotal and his irrigation team offer “Watering the Garden Efficiently,” a Digging Deeper Saturdays presentation set for 10:30 a.m.-0noon on Saturday, July 15,. at the Woodcock Demonstration Garden, 2711 Woodcock Road.

After a brief overview of drip irrigation, del Hota and his irrigation team will be on hand to help familiarize small groups of participants with drip irrigation components. They will explain the importance of understanding where, when and how much water different plants need.

Many common problems brought to the Master Gardener plant clinic are because of watering mistakes. The goal of the presentation is to demonstrate to the home gardener that a simple residential drip irrigation is a very “do-able” do-it-yourself project and to encourage further learning. Resources, including on-line references and YouTube videos are good and plentiful to further assist gardeners.

In addition to the scheduled educational presentation, a team of Clallam County Master

Gardeners will be available from 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. at the Woodcock Demonstration Garden that day to answer gardening questions. Digging Deeper attendees are encouraged to bring samples of garden problems or pests for diagnosis by Master Gardeners, who can recommend control measures.

Digging Deeper presentations are held the third Saturday of selected months. Presentations cover basic gardening topics relevant to many home gardeners, organizers note.

Presentations are free and open to the public and are scheduled for 90 minutes to allow for demonstrations and questions from viewers.

Attendees are encouraged to check the Clallam County Master Gardener online calendar for updates about the location of the talk at extension.wsu.edu/clallam/master-gardener-calendar.

For more information about “Watering the Garden Efficiently” or the Digging Deeper educational series, call 360-565-2678.