Local restaurant supports community health, dental clinic

Jig and Lure Fish Company employees presented a $2,888.50 donation check to Volunteers in Medicine in the Olympics, which runs a free primary health and dental care clinic in Port Angeles.

The check was presented at the weekly meeting of the Port Angeles Soroptimist club on Nov. 11. The donation check represents the hundreds of small donations made at the restaurant throughout October as part of the restaurant’s collaboration with United Way of Clallam County.

Jig and Lure Fish Company’s employees do not accept tips, but customers are invited to leave a donation for a local charity. The program has raised more than $25,000 for local community groups since its launch in April. The restaurant partnership with United Way began in September to help manage the overwhelming community support the restaurant received. For more information, contact Christy Smith, United Way of Clallam County, at christy@unitedwayclallam.org.