Cynthia Thomas’ show, "The Many Facets of One Artist," opens Tuesday, May 4, at the Museum and Arts Center and runs through May 29 at 175 W. Cedar St., Sequim.
The show consists of two- and three-dimensional work including pastels, mixed media and work in bronze. The artist reception is 5-8 p.m., Friday, May 7.
Thomas says of her work, "The imagery – in the pastels, mixed media, paintings and sculptures – is the dream of the mind’s eye, the visual dessert that feeds the soul.
"We each experience what we see through our ‘self.’ The circle of wholeness is the format and containment within which I work.
"The great mythologies of the world, the chakra energies of the red root color, the solar gold, the blues of voice, to name a few, all come and go in the drawings, paintings and sculptures, revealing the journey within the media."
For many years, Thomas designed in the jewelry industry and felt color-starved working in metals. She says she has a passion for colors and the different energies generated by their vibrancy, hue and value.
Her sculptures, she says, reflect spiritual, emotional and physical connections of humans and nature through imagery and depict the connection both realistically and abstractly.
In 2006, Thomas returned to working with pastels, painting and mixed media when she and her husband moved from California to the Olympic Peninsula.
At a glance
Who: Cynthia Thomas
What: One-person exhibit
Where: Museum and Arts Center,
175 W. Cedar St., Sequim
When: 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Tuesday-Saturday, May 4-29; reception 5-8 p.m. Friday, May 7
How much: Free