Master Gardener to share cover crop advice

Veteran Master Gardener Bob Cain discusses the value of cover crops to increase productivity in raised beds and small gardens at noon on Thursday, Oct. 10, in the county commissioners’ meeting room of the Clallam County Courthouse, 223 E. Fourth St., Port Angeles.


Cain shares his experience of eliminating artificial fertilizers by sowing cover crops at the Woodcock Demonstration Garden over the past three years. He discusses the impact of cover cropping on soil quality, the nitrogen cycle, types of crops used and their benefits in improving soil, suppressing weeds and eliminating fertilizer run off and soil erosion.


Cain has grown vegetables since he was a teenager in Scotland, Ireland, Colorado and Washington. He is 2009 Master Gardener Intern of the Year and 2011 Master Gardener of the Year. He is serving as president of the Master Gardener Foundation of Clallam County and manager of the Woodcock Demonstration Garden.


Cain is a frequent contributor to gardening columns in local newspapers and the gardening show on KSQM 91.5. He has provided many presentations through the Class Act at Woodcock Garden, Green Thumb Gardening Tips Brown Bags, the Soroptimist Garden Show in Sequim and other venues.


This presentation is part of the Green Thumb Garden Tips brown bag series sponsored by the WSU Clallam County Master Gardeners from noon-1 p.m. on the second and fourth Thursday of every month in Port Angeles. Attendees may bring a lunch. The presentations are free and open to the public.

However, donations to help offset copying costs for handouts are accepted.


For more information, call 417-2279.