The 19th-annual Community Sing-Along “Messiah” is set for 1-3:30 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 29, in the sanctuary at Trinity United Methodist Church, 100 S. Blake Ave.
Be part of the choir for Handel’s “Messiah” and raise funds for Food Banks in Sequim and Port Angeles.
Each dollar donated will be matched by an anonymous couple who hope to see this event continue as both a community event, as well as a significant way to raise funds for use in Clallam County, event organizers say.
All who want to sing and listen are encouraged to attend.
The musical directors are Jerry Wright and Joel Yelland, with accompaniment from local instrumentalists and soloists.
Scores for the chorus are borrowed from several sources (First Presbyterian Church in Seattle, Port Angeles Symphony and First Presbyterian Church in Port Angeles) or attendees may bring their own.
The event features an intermission with punch and cookies provided.
“Messiah” was first performed to raise funds for an orphanage in Dublin, Ireland, and was conducted by the composer of the Oratorio, George Frederick Handel. It has a long history of being involved with raising funds for community support.