Carson Holt, a junior at Sequim High School, was recently selected as the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) District 14 Voice of Democracy audio essay competition entrant.
Sponsored by Carlsborg VFW Post 6787, Holt saw his essay, “What my vote means to me,” selected and forwarded to the state competition.
The Voice of Democracy Competition is an annual event sponsored by the Veterans of Foreign Wars and is open to all high school students. The subject of the audio essay varies each year. Entries are submitted to the VFW Post and judged. The selected winner then competes at the district level.
The district winner moves on to a state competition, and the state winner then moves on to a national competition held in Washington, D.C. The national winner is awarded a $30,000 scholarship.
This is Holt’s third year participating; in 2017, Carson placed fourth in the Washington State event and earned $850.
This year’s award will be presented at the mid-winter convention in Yakima in January. As guests of the VFW, Holt and parents Russell and Sauni Holt plan to attend the awards banquet.
Carlsborg VFW Post 6787 meets at the Mariner’s Cafe on the third Saturday of each month at 11 a.m. Meetings are open to all veterans who have served in a combat area during war. The goal of the VFW is to assist veterans in the area and to serve the community, and Carlsborg VFW Post Commander Roderic Lee invites all interested veterans to the meetings.