Mosley’s images in Port Angeles gallery spotlight in January, February

Peninsula photographer Roger Mosley is the featured artist for January and February at Harbor Art Gallery, 114 N. Laurel St., Port Angeles.

The gallery is open 11 a.m.-4 p.m., Wednesdays-Saturdays.

Mosley will be at the gallery on Jan. 16 and Feb. 16 during gallery open hours.

The peninsula resident who did most of the photography for the book “The Lavender of Sequim, America’s Provence” by Bonnie Louise Gillis publishes a calendar each year with local scenes from the Olympic Peninsula.

He also has large prints on display at Olympic Medical Center in Sequim and Port Angeles.

“In my photography, I’m inspired to capture those scenes and moments that collectively, give this landscape its beauty,” he said.

“In particular I am fascinated with old farm structures and fence lines, and I continually strive to capture images of these subjects in unique light.”
