The Peninsula College Drama Department is co-producing Christopher Durang’s farcical comedy, “Beyond Therapy,” with PALOA’s Second Stage series over two weekends in November.
Performance dates are Nov. 15-16 and Nov. 22-23. All performances begin at 7:30 p.m. in the college’s Little Theater on the Peninsula College campus at 1502 E. Lauridsen Blvd., Port Angeles.
“Beyond Therapy,” directed by P.C. drama professor Dr. Lara Starcevich, stars Hannah Hendrickson, Quinton Cornell, Sierra Lynn Frances, Fred Robinson, Pete Griffin and Jonas Brown. Griffin also is the assistant director.
In “Beyond Therapy,” Durang turns his penetrating gaze to a story about two people who are falling in love while seeking therapy for their own “issues.” But, as it turns out, the therapists are more mixed up than the couple could ever be.
Crew for the Peninsula College and PALOA Second Stage series production of “Beyond Therapy” includes stage manager Carolyn Keene, set designer Richard Stephens, costume designer Mary Lofstrom and prop mistress Kirsten Griffin.
Tickets for the production are available at the door and cost $15 general admission, $12 seniors and $5 for non-P.C. students. Peninsula College students will be admitted free with a current student ID card. Tickets also may be purchased online at
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