Sequim Kiwanis club is rechartered

On April 9, more than 50 Kiwanians from the surrounding area joined Kiwanians in Sequim to celebrate the recharter of the Kiwanis of Sequim-Dungeness Club. After being in a non-active mode for several years, three couples and Kiwanis leadership met in July 2015 to discuss getting the original club going again. From the initial six, plus several members who had been part of the original Kiwanis Club, the “new” club began, gradually increasing membership and becoming involved in the community.

The Sequim-Dungeness Club has a decades long history of service to the community with a focus on “Children as Priority One,” including underwriting the annual visit of Missoula Children’s Theatre, and along with other Olympic Peninsula clubs, creating Camp Beausite, near Chimicum in Jefferson County, to provide summer camping for the disabled.

In 2016, the club volunteered 893 hours, joining forces with Little League, Sequim Guild, PEO, Sequim Prairie Grange, Dungeness River Audubon Society, Captain Joseph House, Clallam County Parks, Clallam County Literacy Council, Map Your Neighborhood, Back to School Fair and “Stuff the Bus” in addition to providing quilts for homeless youths.

In addition, Kiwanis of Sequim-Dungeness was called upon by the Sequim YMCA to refinish some oak benches that had been built and donated by the original Kiwanis Club to SARC when SARC was just beginning. Another completed project was creating four large bulletin boards for an elementary classroom.

The photo shows Wayne Boden and Ted Lund getting the bulletin boards ready for installation at Helen Haller Elementary.

Kiwanis of Sequim-Dungeness meets at noon the second and fourth Tuesday at Paradise Restaurant, 703 N. Sequim Ave. Visitors always are welcome. For information, call Philomena Lund at 477-4742.