Olympic Theater Arts in Sequim is announcing open auditions for the play “Sylvia,” set for 6 p.m. Friday, Aug. 24, and 3 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 26.
“Sylvia,” by A.R. Gurney, is a modern romantic comedy about the relationship between a man, his wife, and his dog, and how each tests the resolve of the other.
Characters include:
• Greg, a male in his 40s-60s; Kate’s husband and Sylvia’s “owner”
• Kate, a female in her 40s-60s; Greg’s wife, having issues with Greg and Sylvia’s relationship
• Sylvia, a female in her 20s-mid 30s. (note: This is a pretty physically demanding role. She has knee pads but will be on all fours at times, jumping on couches, running around, etc.)
• Tom/Leslie/Phyllis, a gender-neutral (likely male) character of any age (but probably 35-mid 60s) who plays all three roles. Tom is a fellow dog-lover that Greg meets in the park, Phyllis is one of Kate’s high-society alcoholic friends and Leslie is their gender-ambiguous marriage counselor.
The age range is what the characters could be, though the actors could be younger or older.
Production officials recommend checking out the script from Olympic Theatre Arts and reading it over ahead of time.
Auditions are open to everyone, with no appointments necessary. Interested persons who cannot make the appointed audition times are encouraged to call 360-683-7326 to make alternate audition arrangements.
Olympic Theatre Arts is also seeking other creative people to fill out the production team.
The show runs from Oct. 19- Nov. 4. Performance times are Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays at 7:30 p.m., and Sundays at 2 p.m.
Call Olympic Theatre Arts at 360-683-7326 for more information.