@SequimSchools — Dec. 18, 2019


Winter break begins on Dec. 23. The district office will close on Dec. 24, 25 and 31, and Jan. 1. Students return to school Monday, Jan. 6.

The next school board meeting is 6 p.m. Monday, Jan. 6, in the district boardroom, 503 N. Sequim Ave. The public is invited to attend and time is set aside for public comment. To view the agenda and minutes of past meetings, click on “School Board,” “Regular Communication” and “Agendas” on the district’s website at www.sequimschools.org.

The Sequim School District announces an open referral process from Dec. 2, 2019-Jan. 31, 2020 for students in grades kindergarten-12 who may qualify for Highly Capable (Hi-Cap) Program services. Anyone may refer students, including (but not limited to) teachers, parents/guardians, staff, friends, students and members of the community. However, parent/guardian permission will be required for testing. Learn about characteristics of Highly Capable learners at www.nagc.org/resources-publications/resources/my-child-gifted/common-characteristics-gifted-individuals.

If your child is new to the Sequim School District and exhibits gifted characteristics, contact the Highly Capable Program Coordinator. Students who were previously identified by Sequim School District will continue to receive services, however, and do not need to re-apply.

Referral forms are online at the district website (go to www.sequimschools.org, then click on “Instruction” and then “Highly Capable”). Paper referral forms are available at each school, the Sequim School District office (503 N. Sequim Ave.), the Sequim Boys & Girls Club (400 W. Fir St.) and at the Sequim Library (630 N. Sequim Ave.). Referral forms must be fully completed and received by the close of business on Jan. 31, 2020. Because of time constraints, referrals received after Jan. 31, will not be considered.

All referrals must be returned to the Highly Capable Program Coordinator Jodi Olson at Sequim Middle School, school building secretaries or the district office. For more information or to address questions concerning Hi-Cap services in the Sequim School District, contact Olson at 360-775-7083 or jolson@sequimschools.org, or view the Hi-Cap page on the district website.


Greywolf CARES! 12 days of Giving to support the Sequim Food Bank. To help families in the community this holiday season, Greywolf students are holding a food drive to collect non-perishable food items through today, Dec. 18.

Greywolf Elementary students (from left) Skyler Flamand, Winter Rose Keend, Kaylee Lawson and Analee Rodriguez display some of the food collected by students during the recent Greywolf CARES! 12 days of Giving. Photo by Darcy Lamb

Greywolf Elementary students (from left) Skyler Flamand, Winter Rose Keend, Kaylee Lawson and Analee Rodriguez display some of the food collected by students during the recent Greywolf CARES! 12 days of Giving. Photo by Darcy Lamb

Each day, students bring a non-perishable item from our Greywolf giving calendar containing wish list items from the local food bank. The class that collects the most items wins a bonus recess each day.


Math Olympiad, an after-school program for fifth-graders, provides students an opportunity to work on higher math each Tuesday.

The Math Olympiad teacher/advisor is Aria Benner, and she is assisted by Learning Support Center teacher Melissa Sagara.

The setting, Benner’s second-grade classroom, is informal and cozy. Chairs are put up on the desks to signify that school is out for the day, and the math students are seated comfortably in bean bag seats on a brightly-colored rug, white boards and markers ready in their laps. Benner writes problems on the board.

@SequimSchools — Dec. 18, 2019

Currently students are practicing their skills with the Base 5, or quinary number system.

“These students are practicing at a sixth-grade level,” Benner said. “They concentrate on team building exercises, problem-solving and creativity, the former being the most important component in competition.”

@SequimSchools — Dec. 18, 2019

Competition happens in May, where competitors work in teams to solve long problems, also called project problems, and their efforts are timed. Sequim Middle School has frequently hosted the Math Olympiad competition.

“Teamwork is essential, and this is where creativity, cooperation and problem solving really come into play,” Benner said.

In the past, competitions have frequently been held at Sequim Middle School. The location for the 2020 event has not yet been decided.

@SequimSchools — Dec. 18, 2019

“We had around 18 students in our group last year, and ended up taking 12 to competition,” Sagara said. ‘This year we have a smaller group.

“In January we will open the program up to include fourth-graders,” Benner said. “We hope this will help build the number of participants.”

@SequimSchools — Dec. 18, 2019

When asked why they come to Math Olympiad, Lillian Anderson from Saxon Holt’s class said, “Because I don’t get challenged enough in the classroom.”

“Because I love math,” Yeshua Del Rosario from Brittney Rothwell’s classroom said.

@SequimSchools — Dec. 18, 2019

For more information about Math Olympiad, contact Benner at abenner@sequimschools.org.


Sequim Middle School’s winter assembly is set for 1:40-2:45 p.m. Friday, Dec. 20 in the gymnasium, just before students leave for winter break.


For two evenings in a row, come and enjoy music of the season: On Wednesday, Dec. 18, the Sequim High School Choir will present their winter concert, and on Thursday, Dec. 19, the Sequim High School band presents their winter concert. Both are in the high school auditorium and begin at 7 p.m.