The next school board meeting is 6 p.m. Monday, Jan. 7, at the Sequim High School library, 601 N. Sequim Ave. The public is invited to attend, and time is set aside for public comment. To view the agenda and minutes of past meetings and click on “School Board,” “Regular Communication” and “Agendas” on the district’s website at www.sequimschools.org.
The last day of school before Winter Break is Dec. 21; classes resume on Jan. 7.
Greywolf Elementary has been giving back to the community this December with their annual “12 Days of Giving Food Drive” benefiting the Sequim Food Bank. Each day for 12 days, students and their families brought in a different item from the food bank’s wish list. Classrooms competed each day to see which would bring the most items.
The competition became fierce for Melissa Withrow’s first-grade class and Teresa Iversen’s fifth-grade class. By the ninth day, the first-graders had earned up six wins and the fifth-graders chalked up three wins.
A big thank you to all our students and their families for supporting our community with our “12 Days of Giving Food Drive!”
This fall has been a busy time in STEM at Helen Haller! Kindergarten and first-grade students have been trying to answer the question, “What can we see when it’s completely dark?” They brainstormed about ways they could make our room completely dark and what they would see if we could. When they realized we couldn’t make our classroom completely dark, students engineered models of our classroom using shoeboxes, and tested them to see what they could see. Through their investigation, students realized that they could see nothing without light!
Second- and third-graders have been studying Earth’s precious substance: Water. Through their investigations, students have uncovered surprising properties of water, including the surface tension that allows water striders to skim across the surface, the inordinate quantity of water on Earth, the ways in which water moves on a slope, and its ability to expand when heated.
Finally, fourth- and fifth-grade students have been exploring energy. They solved the phenomenon of a mysterious toy ball that lights up in response to human touch through an investigation of circuits, conductors and insulators. Students revealed that they can actually conduct enough energy through their fingers to complete a circuit! Students are now developing explanations for how a hot water heater can turn into a rocket through the transfers of potential and kinetic energy.
Enjoy two evenings of music with our winter concert series that starts with our choir concert under the direction of John Lorentzen, at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 19, in the auditorium. That will be followed the following evening, Thursday, Dec. 20 at 7 p.m. by our band concert, under the direction of Vern Fosket.
The Sequim High FFA Annual Penny drive started last this week. Remember to bring loose change to your sixth period class. This year the school is raising funds for the Sequim Food Bank. The winning class earns a pizza party.