The next school board meeting is 6 p.m. Monday, Feb. 3, in the district boardroom, 503 N. Sequim Ave. The public is invited to attend and time is set aside for public comment. To view the agenda and minutes of past meetings, click on “School Board,” “Regular Communication” and “Agendas” on the district’s website at www.sequimschools.org.
Join Dr. Jolene Erlacher for a technology talk from 6-8 p.m. Monday, Jan. 27, in the Sequim High School auditorium, 533 N. Sequim Ave. Erlacher will share the impact of technology in our society and how parents can navigate the new terrain as they try to guide children in their use of devices. The program presents essential practices for parents in developing a healthy family culture in relation to technology.
The Sequim School District’s open Highly Capable (Hi-Cap) Program referral process runs through Jan. 31, 2020, for students in grades kindergarten-12 who may qualif. Anyone may refer students, including (but not limited to) teachers, parents/guardians, staff, friends, students and members of the community. However, parent/guardian permission will be required for testing. To learn about characteristics of Highly Capable learners, refer to www.nagc.org/resources-publications/resources/my-child-gifted/common-characteristics-gifted-individuals. Referral forms are online at the district website (go to www. sequimschools.org, then click on “Instruction” and then “Highly Capable”). Paper referral forms are available at each school, the Sequim School District office (503 N. Sequim Ave.), the Sequim Boys & Girls Club (400 W. Fir St.) and at the Sequim Library (630 N. Sequim Ave.). All referrals must be returned to the Highly Capable Program Coordinator Jodi Olson at Sequim Middle School, school building secretaries or the district office. For more information, contact Olson at 360-775-7083 or jolson@sequimschools.org, or view the Hi-Cap page on the district website.
Lorrie Corder’s kindergarteners had a Shape Fair in their classroom on Friday, Jan. 10. Students were divided into small groups to make up Team Triangle, Team Hexagon, Team Square/Rectangle and Team Circle. Each team had to find answers to questions about their shapes and record their findings on a presentation board. At each team table they practiced making shapes with various manipulatives including geoboards, rubber bands, modeling clay, stacking blocks, pipe cleaners, cardboard and interlocking blocks.
Sveah Erks, scribe for Team Hexagon, recorded the following observations: “Our 2-D shape has 6 sides. Our 2-D shape has 6 vertices.” During the fair, Corliss Hill observed that a cross section of a pencil has six sides and six vertices on its face. The pencil itself is a 3-D object.
At the end of the activity period, students presented their findings to the rest of the class.
“This activity celebrates student learning, and hands-on practice with shapes extends the lessons,” Corder said. “The presentation at the end provides valuable experience working in teams and public speaking.”
Helen Haller’s Fifth Grade Concert was set for Jan. 30, but has been postponed. No make-up date has been announced. Call the school at 360-582-3200 for updates.
Semester finals will be Thursday, Jan. 23 for periods 1, 3, 5, and Friday, Jan. 24, four periods 2, 4, 6. Classes will be two hours long.
There will be no school for students on Monday, Jan. 27.
On Monday, Feb. 3, SHS students will receive HIV/AIDS instruction in their DEN classes. This class is a graduation requirement for seniors and if unable to make the class please see the main office for instructions on a make-up assignment.
SHS will sponsor a blood drive on Thursday, Feb. 6, from 8:30 a.m.-2 p.m. Community members are encouraged to donate.