@SequimSchools — Nov 21, 2018


There will be early release on Wednesday, Nov. 21, and no school on Thursday and Friday, Nov. 22-23; Happy Thanksgiving!

The next school board meeting is 6 p.m. Monday, Dec. 3, in the district boardroom, 503 N. Sequim Ave. The public is invited to attend, and time is set aside for public comment.

To view the agenda and minutes of past meetings and click on “School Board,” “Regular Communication” and “Agendas” on the district’s website at www.sequimschools.org.

The Highly Capable Referral window is open. The school district is accepting referrals through Nov. 30.

Referral packets are available at each building’s front office, or online at www.sequimschools.org (click on “programs,” then “Highly Capable”). Return all completed referral pac

kets to your student’s building secretary by close of business on Nov. 30.


Vision and hearing screenings are scheduled for Nov. 27-Dec. 3. The district’s health services staff will be performing school vision and hearing screening for kindergarten, first-, second-, third-, fifth- and seventh-grade students.

Contact district nurse Sonja Bittner if you have any questions or concerns at sbittner@sequimschools.org.


Second-graders at Helen Haller are working on writing book reports! They worked on understanding the setting, characters and plot of their stories and then writing about a book of their choice! Students also used this as an opportunity to make something fun with their families. They used the main character from the book to create an awesome pumpkin. Happy writing from second graders at HHE!

Poinsettia orders will be available for pick-up on Nov. 28.


Sequim Science Fair Club is available for all students in grades 6-12. The club meets every Tuesday from 2:50-4 p.m. in teacher Joe Landoni’s room (404). Some of the skills you learn are: researching, planning, writing and board and oral presentation. This culminates with students taking their projects to compete at the Washington State Science Fair in the spring. If this sounds like something you would enjoy, stop by and talk to Mr. Landoni or one of the mentors who help run the club.


Get your holiday shopping done early and support the SHS band and Color Guard! The Sequim High School Band Booster’s Annual Home Down Holiday Bazaar will take place from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 24, in Sequim High School cafeteria.

If you have any items to donate such as candles, mugs, books, DVDs, CDs, crocheted or knitted items, jewelry or anything that might go well to make up a basket, event organizers would appreciate the support. For pick up or drop off, contact Amy Hurdlow at 360-477-3556 (call or text).

The ASVAB Career Exploration Test is offered Wednesday, Nov. 28, in the high school library from 8 a.m.-noon. The cost is free! You must sign-up in the SHS Counseling Office. The test is for 10th-, 11th- and 12th-graders only. Space is limited, so if you are really interested, don’t delay. Sign-ups are happening now! If you have any questions, contact counselor Steve Erickson in the Counseling Office.

The STAMP4s test is being offered on Dec. 5 year for $25. The STAMP4s is a language proficiency test used to earn credit for world language classes, bypass language classes or earn the state seal of biliteracy. Pay in the office and take your receipt to teacher Sonja Miller to sign up. See Mrs. Miller in room 112 if you have questions.