Summer Reading Challenge runs through Aug. 24

The North Olympic Library System (NOLS) invites Clallam County residents to take part in the Summer Reading Program.

The annual event, which started June 24 and runs through Aug. 24, has activities for all ages, from babies to adults.

Sign up for the reading challenge at, at a local branch or at the Bookmobile. Then read — or be read to — throughout the summer to earn a limited edition T-shirt and enter to win prizes.

This year’s theme is “Read, Renew, Repeat,” and encourages participants to develop a love of reading as a restorative method, as well as a love for nature and ways to play a role in conservation.

Events for kids include The Reptile Man, Storytime and weekly Discovery Club activities.

Tweens and teens can catch workshops for songwriting, cartoon drawing and making video games.

Adults are invited to enjoy concerts, workshops on beekeeping, meditation, composting, Zumba and more.

Photos courtesy of North Olympic Library System
Daria Hunt of Beaver designed this year’s limited edition Summer Reading Challenge T-shirt. Participants can read for 30 days to earn a free shirt.

Photos courtesy of North Olympic Library System Daria Hunt of Beaver designed this year’s limited edition Summer Reading Challenge T-shirt. Participants can read for 30 days to earn a free shirt.

All ages can explore tidepools with Feiro Marine Life Center and get resourceful with recycled art and mending activities.

Check for events at NOLS branches.

Summer reading is great at any age, library representatives note, but is particularly important for young people. Kids who don’t read during the summer can lose up to a third of what they learned in the previous school year.

NOLS Summer Reading Program provides a fun way for families to help keep youngsters engaged, prevent the “summer slide” of learning loss and develop a lifelong love of reading.

Up for the challenge

Once participants register for the Summer Reading Challenge they can track their reading through Saturday, Aug. 24. Whether one reads for 20 minutes or 2 hours, it counts as a reading day.

Read for 30 days to earn an entry into the grand prize drawing and pick up a special Summer Reading Challenge T-shirt designed by local artist Daria Hunt.

Read for an additional 30 days for a second entry into the drawing.

Each grand prize drawing winner can select a $100 gift card to a local book store or restaurant, or a LEGO setup to $100 in value.

The Summer Reading Program is supported by Friends of the Library groups at all four NOLS branches.

For more information about the library system, visit, call 360-417-8500 or email to