Though the group will continue to meet virtually for now — a carry-over from 2020 — the Skwim Toastmasters group looks to make a fresh start in 2021 with stories and laughs at their next meeting.
The group hosts the “What Was I Thinking??!!”-themed get-together from 7-8:30 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 5 on Zoom. Pre-register for the free meeting at
Distinguished Toastmaster Lindy MacLaine, who won third place in the world in the 2020 Virtual Word Championship of Public Speaking with her speech “Your Buried Story,” invites the community to join the fun.
“We’re taking a light-hearted approach in our first meeting of the New Year,” MacLaine said. “We’ll share our ‘What Was I Thinking??!!’ stories — effectively ‘clearing out the old’ to make room for the new.”
There will be two scheduled speakers: Distinguished Toastmaster Kyle Hall, third place winner in the 2003 World Championship of Public Speaking, and Skwim Toastmaster Judy Stein. Each will receive a speech evaluation — the Toastmasters’ method of skill building. Also scheduled is 30 minutes where the audience can share their own “What Was I Thinking??!!” story in 1-2 minutes.
MacLaine said that the strength of the club’s connection to each other with its continued meeting via Zoom has been powerful
She said that after telling her award-winning speech many times she gave it a new ending.
“My winning speech recounts my experience of telling the story of something I would have preferred to have kept hidden,” she said.
View a recording of her winning speech at QvYfckvdBcc.
Skwim Toastmasters is part of Toastmasters International, a worldwide nonprofit educational organization that empowers individuals to become more effective communicators and leaders. In “normal” times, the Sequim club meets each Tuesday from 7-8:30 p.m. at the Gathering Place in Sunland, 135 Fairway Dr.
Learn more about the club at