Clallam County Fire District No. 3 has been made aware of a pending Olympic Region Clean Air Agency Stage 2 burning ban for Clallam County.
With the current and predicted weather pattern, air quality is rapidly declining.
ORCAA released this statement on Jan. 14: "In the interest of public health and safety, the Olympic Region Clean Air Agency asks that all residents curtail all outdoor burning in Clallam and Mason counties and to voluntarily refrain from using wood stoves and fireplaces in all counties (Clallam, Grays Harbor, Jefferson, Mason and Pacific) unless absolutely necessary."
A Stage 2 Burn Ban prohibits all burning, including fireplaces, wood stoves (certified and uncertified) as well as outdoor burning.
For more information about the current Air Stagnation Advisory and pending Burn Ban, visit the ORCAA website at