Combined sewer overflows in Port Angeles

Residents advised to keep away from water in Port Angeles Harbor

Because of heavy rains from Sept. 28-Oct. 1, the four combined sewer overflow outfalls in Port Angeles discharged about 8 million gallons of a mixture of stormwater and raw sewage into Port Angeles Harbor.


Two of the outfalls are near Hollywood Beach. Officials from the Clallam County Environmental Health Division are advising the public to avoid recreational water contact in Port Angeles Harbor for the next seven days.


Contact with fecal contaminated waters can result in gastroenteritis, skin rashes, upper respiratory infections, and other illnesses. Children and the elderly may be more vulnerable to waterborne illnesses.

It is advisable to avoid contact with recreational waters during and following heavy rain events.


The City of Port Angeles has designed a project to significantly reduce the frequency and volume of these discharges. This project started construction in August 2012.


For questions about the advisory, contact call the Clallam County Environmental Health at 417-2424.


For more information about the Port Angeles combined sewer overflows, see