Legislators host telephone town hall on Feb. 15
Sen. Kevin Van De Wege (D-Sequim), Rep. Steve Tharinger (D-Port Townsend) and Rep. Mike Chapman (D-Port Angeles) will host a telephone town hall meeting at 6 p.m. Monday, Feb. 15.
Constituents of the 24th Legislative District may ask questions and hear live answers from their legislators during the hour-long town hall.
“We count on our constituents for valuable input, and they’ve never let us down,” Van De Wege said. “The timing this year is especially good because it will be right after the legislative cut-off and we’ll know which bills are moving forward.”
Shortly before 6 p.m., a random cross-section of district constituents will be telephoned and invited to participate in the town hall; constituents who wish to participate can simply stay on the line. Constituents who do not receive a call but would like to participate can dial in by calling 877-229-8493 toll-free and using the ID code 116281.
Scouts slate spaghetti fundraiser
Scouts BSA Troop 1498 of Sequim is hosting a drive through spaghetti dinner fundraiser from 5-7 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 13, at the Sequim Elk’s Lodge, 143 Port Williams Road.
Cost is $10 per ticket prior to the event day (available through Sequim Scout Troop 1498’s Facebook page), $15 on Feb. 13. The troop can accept Venmo payments (@Troop1498) or checks made out to Troop 1498.
Meals are served in bags and include salad and bread in one container, spaghetti in the other, with utensils and napkins included. Dinner will include choice of vegetable or meat sauce/noodles, salad, dressing and garlic bread.
Desserts are also available on site for purchase, everything packaged and compliant with safety guidelines.
In addition, the troop hosts a fundraising silent auction at bit.ly?Troop1498Dinner through Friday, Feb. 12. The unique items for bid help raise funds to send scouts to summer camp and other adventures.
Friends of Sequim Library Saturday sale
The Friends of Sequim Library group hosts its 2nd Saturday Sale from 10 a.m.-3 p.m. on Feb. 13 at Rock Plaza, 10175 Old Olympic Highway.
All funds go to support library children’s programs and special events for all ages. Social distancing and mask wearing is required.
Audubon meeting speaker to talk raptors
Sue Cottrell of Raptor Studies Northwest presents “Diurnal Raptors of Western Washington” at the Olympic Peninsula Audubon Society’ monthly meeting on Zoom, set for 7 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 17. Register at olympicpeninsulaaudubon.org under the “events calendar” tab.
Cottrell, of the nonprofit organization Raptor Studies Northwest (raptorresearchnw.org) will talk about the 15 species of diurnal raptors found in western Washington, emphasizing field identification and the particularly fascinating elements of winter behavior.
She will also cover raptor terminology, migration, the daily and annual cycle, birding ethics, equipment and bird identification guides and apps. Sue has studied raptors for over 30 years, and has a vast knowledge of local populations. A resident of Whatcom County, she will share current research and current photos of her latest projects working with red-tailed hawks and American kestrels.
Studium Generale event spotlights wage issues
Educator Stuart Eimer presents “Turning Poverty Wages into Union Wages” at Peninsula College’s next Studium Generale set for 12:30 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 11, on Zoom.
The presentation is free and open to the public; join the Zoom meeting at us02web.zoom.us/j/82419155703 (meeting ID: 824 1915 5703).
Eimer is an associate professor and co-chair of the Department of Sociology at Widener University in Chester, Pa.
In his presentation, Eimer will discuss economic inequality in the United States today, and will explore the strategies utilized by SEIU 32BJ to successfully turn poverty wages into union wages.
Eimer teaches courses on social problems, social class, civic engagement, poverty, and organized labor. His research focuses on the U.S. labor movement, with a particular focus on central labor councils and union organizing.
First Teacher virtual parenting session
Family Time at First Teacher has moved online with health restrictions in place, with special guests appearing on Zoom most Mondays.
Alice Hanscam, an author, parent coach and owner of Denali Parent Coaching LLC, is the guest reader at First Teacher, at 10 a.m. on Monday, Feb. 22.
Go to bit.ly/FTParentZoom or visit facebook.com/FirstTeacherPMF for the link to join.
First Teacher will upload the videos afterwards to the Facebook page.
Call 360-681-2250 for more information.
Pet food drive set at Sinclair Place
Sinclair Place Senior Living is celebrating National Canned Food month in February by hosting a pet food drive.
Drop off items from 8 a.m.-8 p.m. at 680 W. Prairie St. Donations are sent to Port Angeles Pet Posse, an organization that has helped people reunite with lost/found pets in Clallam County since 2014.
For more information, call Victorya at 360-461-7415.