Shelter Providers meet
The Shelter Providers Network of Clallam County meets from 10-11:30 a.m. Wednesday, July 19, in Room 160 of the Clallam County Courthouse, 223 E. Fourth St., Port Angeles.
Sign-in begins at 9:45 a.m. There is no charge to attend.
For more information, contact Network coordinator Martha Ireland at 452-7224 ext. 307 or email
Presentation set on ‘Good Food FAST’
The Shipley Center, 921 E. Hammond St., hosts Monica Dixon, Ph.D., R.D., at 1 p.m. on Tuesday, July 25, for the fifth session of Healthy U!with a presentation on “Good Food FAST.”
Dixon talks about making lifestyle change that encompasses some new and fun ways of thinking, organizing and preparing. Learn how preparing a bit ahead can decrease time in the kitchen while increasing quality of meals and life. Dixon is an internationally published author, speaker, psychologist and culinary nutritionist.
This event is open to the public and all ages, and is free for Shipley Center members; a $2 donation from non-members is requested. Register by July 21 by calling the Shipley Center at 683-6806.
Free dinner hosted at Trinity United
A free community dinner will be served at 6 p.m. Thursday, July 27, at Trinity United Methodist Church, 100 S. Blake Ave. The meal includes baked fish, tartar sauce, vegetables, coleslaw, dessert and beverages. Reservations are required and may be made by calling the church at 683-5367 between 9 a.m.-2 p.m. on the Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday before the dinner, or by email to
The church presents the dinners on the last Thursday of each month.
Commission mulls marijuana sales rules
The Clallam County Planning Commission meets at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, July 19 at the Clallam County Courthouse, 223 E. Fourth St., Port Angeles. The agenda includes a proposed draft ordinance amendment to restrict retail marijuana sales in the Joyce Urban Growth Area and minor text changes to existing ordinance, and the Revised Draft/Clallam County Shoreline Master Program (Planning Commission Review Draft). Call 417-2277.
Soroptimists offering education scholarships
Soroptimist International of Sequim is accepting applications for four, $2,000 Continuing Education Scholarships until Aug. 15. Applicants must be female graduates of Sequim High School or have a legal address within the Sequim School District and need to have completed one year of post-secondary education and will be continuing their education in the fall of 2017.
Applications are available online at Completed applications must be postmarked by Aug. 15. For more information, call 681-8093.
Diabetes support group meets at OMC
Olympic Medical Center is hosting a diabetes support group meeting at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, July 25, in the private dining room, Seasons Café, Olympic Memorial Hospital, 939 Caroline St., Port Angeles. This group meets monthly to focus on diabetes education and health maintenance in a casual environment. This month’s topic is “Do Supplements Really Work?” presented by Elizabeth Schuerman, RDN, OMC Nutrition Services. Support group meetings are free and open to the public. Call 417-7125 for more information.
Services for veterans available in PT
The nonprofit group Voices for Veterans will have its Voices for Veterans Stand Down 2017 from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Monday, July 31, at the Port Townsend Elks Lodge, 555 Otto St., Port Townsend. Services available will be breakfast/lunch, medical/dental screening, housing, employment services, veteran benefits, legal aid, counseling, haircuts, pet supplies, new clothing and outdoor equipment. Free transportation is available on Clallam and Jefferson Transit buses. For more information, contact Jeff at 360-797-1791.
SkyRidge course to host Links Open
SkyRidge Golf Course, 7015 Old Olympic Highway, hosts its annual Clallam Links Open on Sunday, July 23. Tourney format is individual medal play with three divisions. Cost is $50 per player and includes golf, range balls, honey pot, lunch and prizes. Power carts are $15 per seat. The event begins with a mulligan stew lunch at noon, followed by a mini-shotgun start at 1 p.m. Call 683-3673 to register.
Easter Star plans 100th anniversary picnic
Pilgrim Chapter #157, Order of the Eastern Star, will celebrate its 100th anniversary with a picnic beginning at 1 p.m. Sunday, July 23, at 322 Clark Road, Sequim, hosted by Robert Clark, a member for more than 50 years. The entire Masonic family is invited, including OES, Masons, Shriners, Rainbow, DeMolay and Job’s Daughters. Festivities include food, fellowship, speakers and entertainment provided by Buck Ellard’s musical group. Those interested in learning more about the Masonic family and Eastern Star are invited to come by between 3-5 p.m. July 23, when members will on hand to answer questions.
Get an overview of WorkSource at event
As part of the North Olympic Library System’s annual Summer Reading Program, Patrice Varela-Daylo will present WorkSource: Skill Development at the Port Angeles Library, 2210 S. Peabody St., Port Angeles, at 6:30 p.m. Monday, July 24. This presentation will provide an overview of the key services WorkSource offers to both job seekers and employers. Varela-Daylo will discuss the variety of workshops WorkSource provides to job seekers looking to send their resume to the top of the pile.
Nature workshop set for teachers
Teachers are invited to join NatureBridge and the National Park Service for Learning from a Distance, a four-day summer workshop in Olympic National Park from Aug. 7-10. The workshop will be at the NatureBridge campus in Olympic National Park on the shores of Lake Crescent.
The tuition for the workshop is $200. The National Park Service will provide free clock hours and 100 percent tuition reimbursement with course completion and submission of a lesson plan. Register at Contact Eva Foster with questions
Check out family and princess storytimes
As part of the North Olympic Library System’s annual Summer Reading Program, the Sequim Library, 630 N. Sequim Ave., is offering free Family Storytime at 10:30 a.m. Wednesdays through Aug. 16. On Wednesday, Aug. 9, a special Princess Storytime with the Sequim Irrigation Festival royalty will be held. Children will enjoy songs, action and nursery rhymes, crafts and compelling stories.
For more information about the reading program and events for young people, visit, call 683-1161 or email
Organizations sought for ‘Things to Do’
Is your club or not-for-profit organization seeking members, volunteers, or participants? If so, your participation is sought at the third annual “Things to Do in Sequim” event, which brings groups together with people interested in learning more about the community and various opportunities in which to serve and participate. This event is hosted by the Sequim Prairie Grange, 290 Macleay Road, from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 30. The Grange provides at no cost a table for each participating group to display information. About 40 tables are available inside and there is also more space on the grounds. To learn how to participate, email Ted Lund at or call 477-4742.
Senior menu set
Sequim Senior Nutrition Site menus are served at 4:30 p.m. at the Shipley Center, 921 E. Hammond St., on Tuesdays-Fridays. Suggested donation is $5 (60 and over), $8 guest and a 24-hour advance reservation is needed.
RSVP to 683-8491.
Menus are subject to change.
Thursday, July 20: Green salad, liver/onions, whipped potatoes w/gravy, green peas, fruited gelatin
Friday, July 21: Three-bean salad on bed of greens, lemon dill fish, confetti rice, asparagus, banana bread
Tuesday, July 25: Green salad, broccoli cheddar soup, grilled chicken sandwich, grapes
Wednesday, July 26: Potato salad, Hawaiian burgers, banana pudding.