Senior menu
Here are the Sequim Senior Nutrition Site menus, served at 4:30 p.m. at Suncrest Village Retirement Apartments, 251 S. Fifth Ave. Suggested donation $3. Menus are subject to change.
Wednesday Feb. 27 – liver and onions, roasted potatoes, cauliflower, blueberry muffin, bread, and ice cream
Thursday Feb. 28 – cook’s choice
Friday Feb. 29 – veal parmesan, buttered noodles, green beans, spinach salad, Italian angel
Monday March 3 – roast pork loin, twice baked potato, steamed broccoli, rye bread, cranberry juice, banana slices
Tuesday March 4 – beef stroganoff, egg noodles, mixed greens, lima beans, chilled pears.
Blood drives
• 10 a.m.-4 p.m., Wednesday, March 5, in the parking lot at Sequim Visitors Center, 1192 E. Washington St., Sequim. Break between 2-3 p.m. For more information, call 800-398-7888.
Sequim duplicate bridge results
• Unit game, Feb. 15
N/S: 1. (and first overall) Paul Stratton-Helen Stratton; 2. Suzanne Berg-Tom Loveday; 3. Ted Miller-Arlene Nunnally; 4. Paula Cramer-Wilma Lambert.
E/W: 1. Fay Coupe-Eldon Hill; 2. Larry Phelps-Julie Gray; 3. Gert Wiitala-Judy Hagelstein; 4. Jack Real-John Anderson.
• Open pairs stratified game, Feb. 18
N/S: 1. Ruby Mantle-Julie Gray; 2. Suzanne Berg-Tom Loveday; 3. Paula Cramer-Pete Mayberg; 4. Helen Stratton-Paul Stratton.
E/W: 1. Pat Landis-Rick Zander; 2.Nancy Herodes-Frank Herodes; 3. Ted Miller-Larry Phelps; 4. Mary Norwood-Vern Nunnally.