Conservation district seeks public input

Conservation district seeks public input

Clallam Conservation District holds its annual meeting from 4-5:30 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 9, at the Dry Creek Grange, 3130 W. Edgewood Drive, Port Angeles. The annual meeting immediately follows the conservation district’s regular monthly meeting, which starts at 3 p.m.

A review of the district’s 2010 accomplishments and presentation of its proposed work plan for 2011 are the focus of the annual meeting. The public is encouraged to provide input on the 2011 work plan.

Highlights from 2010

More than 440 people learned about environmentally friendly landscaping by attending 22 workshops, presentations and courses put on by the district. Two irrigation water conservation projects were implemented with the Dungeness Irrigation District and the Sequim Prairie-Tri Irrigation Association. Three large grants were awarded for continuation of irrigation water conservation projects that allow irrigators to reduce their withdrawals from the Dungeness River. In addition, four fish-blocking culverts were replaced with passable culverts or bridges on three streams.

Looking forward to 2011

The preliminary work plan for 2011 includes a continuation of irrigation water conservation projects with the Dungeness Irrigation District, Dungeness Irrigation Group and Agnew Irrigation District. The natural landscaping outreach and education program will continue in 2011. Ongoing technical and financial assistance for farm operators to assist with water quality improvements will be augmented by a grant from the Environmental Protection Agency. Another grant from the EPA will help the district work with Clallam County Master Gardeners to design and install low-impact-development practices at the Master Gardeners’ Carrie Blake Park Demonstration Garden. More than 12 acres of riparian area are planned for re-vegetation through the Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program.