Courses offered for new farmers

The “Sustainable Small Acreage Farming and Ranching” course offered through a joint effort between WSU Jefferson and Clallam County Extensions provides beginning and expanding farmers with planning and decision-making tools, production skills and support necessary to develop or improve their sustainable small farm or ranch.

Course presenters include successful local producers and university specialists with expertise in direct marketing, value-added processing, production planning, and more. Course participants will have a chance to participate in field visits to see different operations and processing options up close. They also qualify for college or continuing education credit.

Sustainable Farming and Ranching runs weekly from 6-9 p.m. Wednesday nights from Jan. 22-March 19 at the Gardiner Community Center in Gardiner, including three intensive Saturday field trips to various farms throughout both counties.

Class size is limited. Cost for the nine-week course is $250 per farm or family. Paid pre-registration is required. Register online at or contact Kellie Henwood at WSU Jefferson County Extension at 360-379-5610 ext. 201.